I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A beaver leads a herd of curious cattle in the pasture

here you go teacats....how funny is this?


Jan said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Doesn't it say in the Bible: "and a little beaver shall lead them"?

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm always amazed at Canaderians..even their beavers.

Teacats said...

Canuck here.
Okay, eh .... it is our version of the cowboy! LOL!

All that this wonderful video is missing .... a moose!
And Tim Hortons!

Thanks for posting it! :)

yellowdoggranny said...

it was too great not to post.

Fundy Blue said...

Amazing! I hope the beaver made back to water safely!

yellowdoggranny said...

think he went to the bunkhouse.