I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.
The pig-human embryo just killed me. Stealing for FB.
it is perfect.
Oh my, the USS Trump! And yes, the whole damn family is a bunch of Grifters alright! And had a good laugh at Sean Spicer as Sergeant Schultz!
i think the grifters said it all...
The Trump family seems like a wealthier version of the Palin family, both of which scare me like the Manson family.
I'd rather have the manson family.
The pig-embryo is my favorite ever posted by you. That one goes in the Hall of Shame Fame.
Here a bomb, there a bomb, everywhere a bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bombombombombombomBOMBOMBOMBOMBOMBOMB MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!1...ahem. sry. :)
might be what the put on the tombstone of america...here bomb there bomb..
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The pig-human embryo just killed me. Stealing for FB.
it is perfect.
Oh my, the USS Trump! And yes, the whole damn family is a bunch of Grifters alright! And had a good laugh at Sean Spicer as Sergeant Schultz!
i think the grifters said it all...
The Trump family seems like a wealthier version of the Palin family, both of which scare me like the Manson family.
I'd rather have the manson family.
The pig-embryo is my favorite ever posted by you. That one goes in the Hall of Shame Fame.
Here a bomb, there a bomb, everywhere a bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bombombombombombomBOMBOMBOMBOMBOMBOMB MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!1
...ahem. sry. :)
might be what the put on the tombstone of america...here bomb there bomb..
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