I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, May 18, 2020

jackiesue finally snapped...news at 11

It seems like this past week or so all I have done is run into and have conversations with stupid people. Either trump supporters or trump supporters with conspiracy theories ..fuckme...
So Thursday the VFW was having their first meeting since January. The men were having their meeting Wednesday and the Auxiliary were having their meeting Thursday and all they were going to do was vote..they always vote each other back in to the same office so I wasn't sure I would go. One of the members called me and asked if I was coming. I said are they going to observe the 6 foot distance and wear masks and gloves. He said he wasn't sure, but he didn't think so. I said well I'm keeping my happy ass at home. and then.....and fucking then...he says "I think this stuff is way over blown."  This was about 5 Thursday evening central time..so if you heard a loud crack, that was Jackiesue's brain snapping. I screamed, not yelled but screamed..."I just can't talk to you stupid fucking people anymore.." and slammed my finger into my phone and hung up on him. I could hear him babbling as I hung up..he called right back..I said 'WHAT?' He said "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just don't know what's going on." I said I'll tell you what's going on...people are fucking dying.. fucking dying, almost 100,000 people..dead..not spending time with their family or having a vacation..they ARE DEAD. I don't plan on being one of them..I will mask up put on gloves and yell at people 'get away from me, go kill someone else's granny.'...Quit fucking watching Fox News and educate yourself..you dumbshit. Jackiesue did not go to the VFW meeting..My friend and fellow member said she was going to nominate me for Sargent of Arms..I could kick some ass..
ok...back to your normally scheduled program..


JackieLemon said...

JackieSue, I so admire your guts. My Area of New York State has been hit hard but not as hard as NYC. We are still locked down and will reopen in 2 week increments. Yes we are tired of it, yes we would like to resume normalcy, but I cant even imagine going to a meeting with lots of people. Everyone I've seen on my infrequent trips to the grocery and pharmacy, or even walks and bike rides is wearing a mask and social distancing. Everyone is cautious and respectful. Maybe because we've been harder hit and almost everyone knows someone infected. It's not a hoax and it's not worth your life to go to the VFW. Keep being you!!

Vivian Swift said...

That's my girl, giving hell to idiots. I give the guy credit for calling you back, tho. You must mean a lot to him if he was willing to apologize, but you did the right thing when you told him to stop watching Fox News and go get real information. I mean, who at this stage of the pandemic can claim that they still don't have enough facts to understand what is going on? Facts are EVERYWHERE. Jesus.

I too had my COVID rage moment in a grocery store when an old guy in front of me complained to the cashier, who's wearing a face mask and a full-head plastic protector and gloves and was standing behind a plexiglass shield at the cash register at 6:30 AM for special "Seniors" shopping hours -- he wanted his 90 cent rebate for some "points" program that he got before the pandemic. I lost it. I yelled, "This lady got up at 5 am to be here at work so you can shop safely and you're bitching about 90 fucking cents?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOI??"

He said, "Listen lady, I was a Marine in Vietnam..."

And I shouted over him, "Nobody gives a shit, nobody gives a shit." He went to find the manager.

I paid for my groceries and then I tipped the cashier $10.

Stupid people always trigger me, but especially now.

I also liked the Vietnam analogy in today's round up.

Thanks for being here, JackieSue.

yellowdoggranny said...

thank you my friends...and yes, John does consider me a good enough friend to call back and try to right either his wrong or just to mend the fence. He's in his late 30's and still lives at home and I refer to him as a kid..I try to lead him to a better path but his mom and dad are republicans..his dad's a vet and I still don't get how vets can still be for Trump..But he's Czech too and the Czech's are all Catholics and the abortion issue guides their feelings.but jeez..really?..after the phone call and other run ins with stupid people..I have decided to no longer bite my tongue..fuck a bunch of ducks..much love to you all..stay strong and Vivian ...good for you...
be good pagans my friends..do no harm but take no shit..when in doubt..just think...what would yellowdog do...

1oddmanout said...

I had the same experience in Lowes just yesterday. All I could say, loudly, that "I don't want to hear that Republican Bullshit" and walk away.

Bohemian said...

JackieSue, I am Snapping on the 45 Cult Clan as well, I just can't listen to nor endure any more of their ignorance and my tolerance for Stupid people is zero now. I've been avoiding a phone call from someone I have known for over 3 Decades because she's become such a brainwashed Cult of Personality Zombie that I just can't even listen to the stupid shit I know she's likely about to say and I will end up having a similar reaction you had with the VFW Dude! *LOL*

Valerie said...

Thanks Jackie Sue. And Bravo! for you telling off the VFW. It's about time all those assholes got a taste of righteous anger that we've been too polite to unleash. Stupidity exists because of progressive efforts to curtail its lethal effects (warning labels, et al :-D). I'm on Team Darwin.

The Blog Fodder said...

Funny it is all white people who think it is a hoax. But if you look at who is sick and who is dying, it makes sense. They are expendable and it will save on gas and furnaces when Trump wins in November.

pam nash said...

Give 'em hell, Jackiesue!

yellowdoggranny said...

Bohemian..it's time we all started speaking up and loudly..I have lost friends of over 40 years, relatives I've known all my life..but it's not politics ...it's life and death and mit's about morality..if your morals think trump and his white nationalists are ok? doing a great job? then I don't need you in my life..sigh*
Valerie..team darwin is right..me2..
Blog fodder..I'm hoping all the stupid people that don't wear masks and want to go to the beach are people that would vote for trump...get rid of his base.