I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

people should know better than to fuck with ydg

 what my lantana looked like when I left
 what my lantana looked like when I got back..
so the new chatty neighbor who I try to avoid as much as possible..found a snake on her porch..that's her yard in the back ground.so she finds a snake on her porch which makes her think..oh it must be from that lantana over at jackie's so I'll tell the yard lady to cut it from ground up..and when she left the chatty neighbor decided to trim it all around ..so I actually had to wait like 4 days so I could calm down and speak to her without just knocking on her door and punching her in the face. I think I started out with what the fuck made you think it would be ok, to go into my yard and trim my plant.? what if I came over to your yard and started trimming your plants? she lied and said the yard lady did it and she tried to fix it..I said you're  a liar too..she already told me you said to trim it and let her believe that it would be ok with me. Then you went over and finished it up..about that time everything turned orange and I'm not sure what all I said..but the fucks were flying. I think I ended with I'm very pissed and I'm going to stay pissed..I'm a scorpio...you really fucked up..scorpio's dont ever forget or forgive..I didn't tell her we also major in revenge..so way down the road when she has forgotten all about it and I'm not even on her radar, I'm sneaking over in middle of night and ....well, lets just say her plants are going to have a very bad accident. so? how was your day..???


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, that takes a lot of gall (not to mention poor personal boundaries) to go over to a neighbour's yard to cut down flowers. If she didn't know before just WHO she was dealing with, she Sure AF Knows NOW, eh? lol

Ol'Buzzard said...

I avoid people. Especially having to talk to them. Good neighbors are seldom seen.
the Ol'Buzzard

John Gall said...

Sic her!

Leanna said...

For one thing, I wouldn't wait until she forgets about this. I would definitely chop the hell out of something she dearly loves but only chop one rather large pretty plant. Teach her a lesson.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

She is a nervy heifer, isn't she. I'd look for the prettiest rose in her yard and spray it with bleach. Be careful, though, there are hundreds of cameras in most neighborhoods now days.

AZ Guy said...

Let the games begin !

Valerie said...

What an enormous twat! Time to teach that POS some boundaries. But don't take it out on innocent flowers. Start leaving fake snakes around her property. Every time she sees one it will nudge her just a little closer to a heart attack. Put one in her gardening boot, if she leaves them out. Put one in her mailbox (after the postal worker). Drape one over her car door. Randomly, when ever the fancy strikes. You could do this forever. :-D

pam nash said...

Whoa - that's worse than having strangers wandering around my yard picking up (stealing) pecans. Take care - she sounds like the type that would make hysterical calls to the police about being threatened.

yellowdoggranny said...

that's what I kept asking her..what made you think it would be ok..to go into mine or anyones yard and trim their plant..? she had no answer..
can't help myself..I'm a scorpio..I am going to get even..40 years ago I would have just punched her in the face and kicked her ass..today? I'll be calm..it's over..things will be ok..and when she has forgotten it completely out of her mind..bang..I'll get her.and it will be 'EPIC'...

yellowdoggranny said...

good idea wibble

yellowdoggranny said...

Vivian, sweetie, you have nothing to be afraid of..and I do like the idea of wearing the tshirt when I walk by her apt..ahahha..
and sugar in the tank..hm....nah, they'd know it was me..I want to wait long enough that she thinks it's over with..and then bam..out of the blue..tada..
az..yeah, them fecking Germans..bombing Pearl..we still haven't gotten over it..

Anonymous said...

I know this will sound so lame after some of the truly brilliant and scary suggestions you have received (love the fake snakes)! I cannot even imagine what you might have planned for her (terrifying) -- but can you possibly go after her legally or through your HOA? The gardener she lied to will undoubtedly back you up and you do have photographic evidence of her handy work.

Having said all that, what a piece of work she is. I cannot even imagine feeling so entitled that she could even think of her actions as being acceptable. Bless her heart!

And may the fleas of ten thousand camels infect her carpets.

yellowdoggranny said...

anonymous..revenge has to be prepared, stroked and planned with precision..and time..time for her to forget so she won't be expecting it..time so that when I do smack her with it, she will not know its me..cause I have actually waited 3 years for revenge with this one guy and he could never work union work in Portland ..ever again...don't mess with scorpio's..especially one named jackiesue.