I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, August 16, 2021

just about I think it's going to be ok? here comes fucking monday.

I think the title of this post would make a great title for a song.....


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the smiles on this Monday morning. Back to the Covid infested school for me! Yay!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Jeez, I go away for 10 days and everything goes to hell! Glad you're still here and posting after all!

"their base will believe any lie as long as it's racist" -- boy, ain't that the truth.

Lotsa laffs this morning, thanks!

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Especially had a good laugh out of the the explanation of why it is good to wear a mask.

Vivian Swift said...

It's Monday morning and Trump is still not the re-instated President. Is it too early to start celebrating with a pina colada? That has coconut milk in it, so how about I throw in some Cheerios and call it breakfast -- will that work?

Valerie said...

Mailbox lasagna, no kidding. Hot as a $5 dollar pistol, plus humidity. Hope you are staying cool.

yellowdoggranny said...

Jennifer...I have one gg in school(wearing masks) and one starting this Thursday (wearing mask) and still scared for them.
Debra...aww man, you missed all the action, but glad you're back, I missed ya.
susie..I'd love to try that on one of them assholes..hah
vivian, I wanted to have a nice cold beer to celebrate his unpresidency but opted for iced tea.
Valerie...or as I like to say..hotter than a 2 peckered goat.

pam nash said...

Hmmm - cooking with your mailbox. These days, it could work!

1oddmanout said...

Thanks for Monday chuckles. I'll send some to family!

Dee said...

I like to think Jason Momoa running my immune system, at least that would explain the dreams....

yellowdoggranny said...

well I have cooked eggs on the sidewalk and baking biscuits on hood of car Pam..so lasagna in a mailbox isn't a reach.
odd...hope they enjoy them..
Dee, I'd like to thank Jason Momoa for my dreams too...makes me want to fall to the ground and bite sticks.

Leanna said...

I turned off my oven and started baking pies and cakes in the noonday sun. I can say it's a lot faster. Thanks for the laughs I needed it.

yellowdoggranny said...

leanna its cooled off here now with some rain..thank the goddess.

Richard said...

They break my heart. These memes are too true. I appreciate them and they are useful. But i can't laugh with them right now, maybe because it is still dangerous around here.
Where i live, people are still waving trump flags.
I keep my head down.