I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

My pussy has zoomies...so does my cat.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that post title, LOL! It's a real attention getter!

RockyD said...

I remember hearing over & over when I was growing up, how awful it was that children in the Soviet Union were subject to complete brain washing (as it was called then) by their government. Back then Khrushchev threatened that they would take us over but next time they tried it'd be from within the States. So where are we know in the U.S.? Ha!

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra, after 17 years I'm running out of ideas.haha
RockyD we went from Khrushchev to the republican party led by Trump..

Jerri said...

Aaron Rodgers - Instant Karma. Deliciously delectably sweet.
I often wondered if “swarthy” could possibly be interpreted as “orange”.
Glinda…fucking right!
I would give $100 if they put donnie on a bike! He can’t even walk normally. Pathetic.
Good thing Sarah H. Sanders wasn’t around in 1938. Those kids would still be in the coal mines.
How do you spell “hypocrite”? R-e-p-u-b-l-I-c-a-n.
Outstanding lineup this morning, Jackiesue. Now, about “the zoomies”…🤭

Rad said...

Fantastic collection this morning!

Mike said...


Cleora Anderson said...

Speaking of business attire, I love Sen. John Fetterman's shorts and hoodies! It is my understanding he does not go onto the Senate floor that way, but stays comfortable while doing actual work for his constituents instead of griping and whining about everybody else! I think we should start a fund to buy him a very expensive, beautifully tailored, three-piece TAN suit!! He won't look quite as natty Obama did, but the right will go ballistic and that's good enough for me!!

Ozma G said...

Still weirder to explain: not just punishing people until they concede, but punishing them for not meeting impossible demands. Like "Stop being poor."

yellowdoggranny said...

Jerri, I'm running out of weird shit for my headers...least I got your attention.hahahha
thank you Rad..you make my heart warm.
no shit Mike...no shit.
Cleora what a brilliant idea..I also think we should buy him a collection of woke tshirts..ha
ozma...nailed it.

wibble said...

Fetterman for Zoot Suit! ~>XD

Somewhere said...

Beautiful. Have tightened my shipwreck to look better. Thank you.

River said...

I also object to rich people telling us poor people that if we just work hard etc.
I want to make them all walk a year in my shoes, without access to their funds.

Traveling Suitcase said...

As always loved them all. Some are new to me, some I've seen before; but all sh on Marg Green and Boebert are fabulous. Two hot messes.

yellowdoggranny said...

wibble...zoot suit for Fetterman for sure.
somewhere..everyone should swab the decks of their shipwreck.
River..them assholes inherited their money any how.
Suitcase...Marj and Lauren, the ho's of congress..