I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is what I saw on Letterman, and it blew me away. This is also what happened after the commercial came on and we at home missed..Now see why I love this band?....THIS my friends..is Rock and Rock...



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, it's Dexter's favourite song!

sageweb said...

I need to download that song..I love it!

Rainwolf said...

Yep, gonna have to buy some of that.

Jan said...

I can't stay awake that long to see Letterman, so thanks for this. It's great.

TheWayfarer said...

Ditto jan, I flop so early anymore.

Nit Wit said...

Now it's stuck in my head.
That's OK though. There is a lot of empty space up there.

Green tea said...

I love those guys.. :)

Anonymous said...

They're kind of a cross between Springsteen, Kings of Leon and Dave Matthews. Hm...very, very interesting!

Sidebar: back in my single days, I used to say "Hey, my name is Roxanne, how do you like me so far?" This song reminded me of that. I'm retarded.