I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


words to live by..


Unknown said...

If only we could go back and drill that into the heads of our younger selves.

CorvusCorax12 said...

aint that the truth

Blueberry said...

Hell yeah.

Nit Wit said...

I learned that when I was about 4 years old.
It never sank in that I should apply it to my own life.

Kulkuri said...

What you need to do is have ice cream for dessert. That way after the jalapenos come out the ice cream will cool things!!!

Green tea said...

Words to live by... :)

Intense Guy said...

Funny how a lot of life wisdom can be wrapped up in a short, pithy sentence...

*pass the preparation h please*

Rainwolf said...

Yep. Learned that one the hard way. Literally and figuratively.

Yankee Girl said...

That just may be the funniest thing I have seen/heard all week!

billy pilgrim said...

i must be getting old, i couldn't make out the lyrics. nice tune though.

McRaven said...

I just want to tell you I love you. Your sense of humor, hehehe.

Ted McLaughlin said...

It's worth the ass burn though. Life without jalapenos wouldn't be worth living.

sageweb said...

very true!

Patsy said...

Love this - thank you!

Forgot to say at the time, thanks for the BJ cocktail joke - copied and emailed it to my partner and a load of male friends... ;o)

So Not Wishy Washy said...

I wish I could post that in my classroom!

texlahoma said...

There's some wisdom.

Sling said...

I'm addicted to Jalapenos..Ass-burn,not so much.

yellowdoggranny said...

and you know what? it makes sense to me too..ha