I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, January 04, 2010


lets start rocking....


turquoisemoon said...

What a great way to start Monday!

Kulkuri said...

Looks like Jackson had a sex change!!

yellowdoggranny said...

turquoisemoon:glad to be of assistance.
kulkuri:i had to go back thru all of them to fiugre out what your talking about..ha...hey, my nick name is jackson and i'm a girl..ha

Jan said...

I've always suspected Golden Retrievers had a little help in the color department.

sageweb said...

another great Monday!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

No, Lassie, no! Aaaiiieeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

The puppy with the lip gloss? OMG Too funny!

Blueberry said...

Good morning Monday AND cedar. Antihistamines... show me what you got.

rosemary said...

Love the Elvis dog....perfect for a Monday.

rosemary said...
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Yankee Girl said...

The two cats cuddling was so cute!

Intense Guy said...

Ahhh.. Lassie is sooooo smart... having a stress free day like that!


Thanks for the yuks, sniggers, chuckles, and heehaws!

Nit Wit said...

Just act cool man. Now that's me all over.
I don't think those cats are cuddling I think it's a case of eat or be eaten.

billy pilgrim said...

how about those cowboys!!

i'd like to think most turtles have a higher calling than to be a mutant ninja.

Big Pissy said...


Those were so fun!

Thanks! :)

Rainwolf said...

Love all the kittehs, especially the one with the baby. They're not impressed with anything.