I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Some times it just doesn't pay to read the paper...but then again, if I didn't I wouldn't have anything to bitch about, and you know how I love to bitch.Keeps my blood pumping and that's a good thing...and another good thing is:

Austin..A cat snooping around its new apartment found a hiding place where the previous resident hid a stash of child pornography, police said.The cat's owner checked a gap in which the cat (Sophie) stuck its head and found DVDs containing child pornography, officials said. The apartment's previous renter, Luis

Jimenez, was charged..
Someone should give Sophie a life time supply of Friskies/vet care and toys..Lets hear it for Sophie....
Now for the bad news:

Toronto-- Canada's foreign ministry,under pressure from its closest ally(yes, that would be the Bush Administration, them fuckers),said Saturday that it would rewrite a training manual for diplomats that list the United States as a site of possible(possible..?..are you fucking kidding me?)torture.The document, released Friday, cited the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.It also names Israel, Afghanistan, China Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Syria as places where inmates could face torture.
Well, if that ain't enough to piss off the Pope and hair lip the governor...I have always admired the Canadian government, but this smacks of ball shrinkage and I think we should have stayed on the list until we shut that joint down..Only thing in Cuba that makes Castro look good....fuckity fuck fuck fuck..
And for the what the fuck news...In Texas we've had several breaches of confidence in our Universities and hospitals where there's research with infectious diseases..Why they think we should believe THIS bullshit, is beyond me..
Galveston--A laboratory used to study highly infectious organisms has been temporarily shut down at the University of Texas Medical Branch of Galveston after an internal door failed twice. The door separated a lab containing mice exposed to the virus that causes bird flu and a lab containing a strain of hemorrhagic fever. No people were in the rooms when the door opened Wednesday, and neither pathogen escaped, officials said.
You notice they didn't mention a name of any of the officials..They're out chasing the fucking mice that got away..Why is it I expect to read in the paper in a week or two about the mysterious deaths of all the birds in the area...
well,fuckme till I have only good news...


Nit Wit said...

They should breed that cat and send one to every police department in the country and replace the useless fucks in the legal system that keeps giving the creeps second chances. They have zero tolerance in the schools but the pedophiles have get out of jail free cards.

Canada used to have good leaders until the last election when they elected someone who could be a clone of The Gump.

I'm more worried about those two infectious organisms getting together and making new baby strains that nobody can kill.

Sling said...

Well of course those open doors present no problem to public health and safety...Now,in the event of a nuclear attack,simply hide under you desk,and everything will be fine.

Elizabeth said...

I'm with Sling. Buy yourself some mouse traps!

yellowdoggranny said...

sage:i think they should smear tuna fish all over his 'dick' and let the cat at it...
nitwit:i could never understand any sentence except life in prison with no parole for pedophiles...period..
yah, canada needs to as my granddaughter jenny says"ball up"...and quit taking shit from the american government..
yeah, mice with various killer disease on the lose...let the pedophile catching cat at em..

sling:yeah, like duck and cover would really help..even at about 12 or so I knew better..
elizabeth;let the people that let them loose be the ones that have to find them..

Jan said...

There's always that thing we were supposed to do with plastic sheeting and duct tape to protect us from...what the hell did it protect us from?

Nit Wit said...

I thought you gave up being probed a long,long time ago.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Good for the cat. I generally think that animals are smarter than people anyway.

Susan Demeter said...

Yayyyyy Sophie!!! As for Canada it is still better up here ... accept the weather ... :(

texlahoma said...

I guess our government just sends out these killer pathogens to any Tom Dick and Harry University that wants them. If a disease does get out they'll just blame 19 guys from the Middle East.

Big Pissy said...

Those diseased mice remind me of the diseased monkeys in '28 Days Later'...yes, I'm still on my zombie kick. lol

Kalibitch said...

GREAT shades of the Stand.

yellowdoggranny said...

jan:i think it protected us from dust...nothing more..
nitwit:haven't been probed in 23 years..but always looking for the right prober...
cheese:of course cats are smarter than people..you dont see a cat opening up cans of food for us do ya?
junebugg:some times i feel guilty for telling these little stories and freaking everyone out..but i like freaking everyone out.so doubt i'll quit...
sue:i love canada and canadians, but your premier is as dumb as our president
billypilgrim:comeon'..tell us how you really feel...
tex:wow, what a great idea..good to know there is a back up plan..arabs...blame it on the arabs..
bigpissy:hmm, it might make a good movie...the great escape part 2, the mouse series..
kalibitch:ohhhh, my favorite stephen king book...

Buzzardbilly said...

Crime-busting kittay rules all!

WTF? Now I have to fear mice who may or may not have a combo of bird flu and hemorrhagic fever! Egad! Gimme good old rabies anyday.

AngelConradie said...

so did some of the mice get out or what?

Josh said...

Now, if only the infected mice would flee to some perv's place, the cat might be a hero again.

Hey, I bet that cat was looking around because he heard the previous owner talking about the stash, and thought he said "kitty porn".