I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Shady Lane sent this to me...


Jan said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!! Bumper sticker writers should win Pulitzers.

Nit Wit said...

It's only funny if you want it to happen.
Wow they have cars in Kentucky now.

Big Pissy said...

What Jan said! lol

Cheyenne said...

Good one.

sageweb said...

So do you think it was meant to be mean sarcastic?? Or it was meant to be funny ha ha in your face republicans we don't care?

Mouthy Girl said...

Friggin' great! Love that!

billy pilgrim said...

people with brains drive hondas. sometimes i wish i that drove a honda.

yellowdoggranny said...

jan;what is funny is it was sent to lane and she tried to send it to me and several others and it wouldn't come thru...tried it dozens of times and different ways..wouldn't go thru...we decided that hillary was jinxing it..ha
nitwit:I wonder if that was on apos and the little fat bastards car?
bigpissy and cheynne..yup.cracked me up..
sage web:i think it was sarcastic..but then again..???
buddhagirl:if I wasn't for obama, I'd get one for the truck..ha

billypilgrim:get rid of the dodge van...hahahahah

Kalibitch said...

I'm with Mr. Wit.
I'm not a praying type of gal, but I'm my knees every night now saying: Please Mr. White Man's God, Allah, Buddah, Krishna, Wakan Tanka, Gaia, Zeus and anyone else out there hanging around - Please don't let that bitch win the election.

The Witty Mulatto said...

I just saw that for the first time the other day...I can't figure out whether it supports Hillary Clinton or not.