I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Yes, he's kissing the top of the head of a cobra. Fully fanged and full of venom.
These are the snakes that were in the sleeping bag with the Dude.

They put the guy in the sleeping bag, then put in a snake one at a time at the bottom of the bag and then they zip him up and he has to slowly pull himself out of the sleeping bag with out being bit in the ass or other parts.
I put the damn pictures in back wards..the start of it is from the bottom up to the snakes...sigh*


Nit Wit said...

Public service or not. Them people need to find a safer hobby Like maybe freelance bomb disposal or cliff diving at Niagara Falls.

Jan said...

I've seen the big Texas snake round up on TV with some of the demos. Peta is pissed at Texas for the whole thing.

turquoisemoon said...

After reading (1) I knew this was going to be awful...and I still had to look at the pics and read your descriptions. Now I'm thinkin that there's gotta be something wrong with me. If there's a (3) I swear I'm not going to look at it. LOL!!!

texlahoma said...

Those folks are a couple bricks shy of a load, if you ask me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good Lord. What do they do with the snakes afterwards?

Green tea said...

Yikes..now I'm going to dream of snakes all night long...

Intense Guy said...

LOL@Nitwit's comment...

Yeah, something safe... I wonder if they have a health insurance plan...