I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Well, hell..the team from Houston took top honors at the 17th Annual West Volunteer Fire Department Barbecue Cookoff ...Some local groups won too..but not the top one..Craig Sharry and his Texas Pepper Jelly cooking team had 40 points with a second place finish in the Chicken, a first place in pork spare ribs and a fifth in brisket. Waldo Strein and his Lost Gonzo cooking team of Fort Worth won the Reserve Championship with 27 points.
There were 98 teams which was 8 teams more than we had last year. The 2003 Cookoff was the largest with 138 teams. Considering it was cold/damp and dreary we still had a great turnout.
The proceeds from the cookoff will go toward purchasing the fire department's new grass fire truck and other needed fire-fighting equipment. The new truck which was finished last week, was on display at the cookoff Friday and Saturday. I saw it..it was big red and shiny. The thing I thought was the most interesting was Brad Wines mobile barbecue pit. It's mounted on a go-cart chassis and can be driven on pavement.It's powered by a five horsepower tiller motor. Cracked me up..Only in Texas would someone fix up a BBQ ride'em rig.
West is having the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday from 1-2 P.M. at the West Assisted Living Center..Whee...Kids hunting eggs where the old farts live. There is a cycle here in West. Your original home..then the West Retirement Apartments (where I live), then the Assisted Living Center, then The West Rest Haven, then the hospital and then the cemetery. Holy shit.
Bold Springs Baptist Church is making fish and shrimp dinners to raise money for the Multipurpose Center they had built. Anyone that would like to make a donation to them can make it through the paypal for Annie up at the top of the blog. KJXT is having a bake sale at St. Mary's School Cafeteria this Saturday. Hm! I might make a pumpkin cheesecake for them. If I remember. Which reminds me..The girls mom Kathy called and wanted to know if I wanted to have another cooking show for the old farts (my choice of words) and I do. So will got the 28th of April at 10:30 A.M...now I have to think of something to make. Ideas are welcome..Will be for about 30 people(old people)..
St.Mary's is having their Drive-Through Stations of the Cross again. It's put on by St. Mary's CCE Students. I know they take this very serious and it's very appreciated by the people of West, but it makes me laugh...Some day one of them will read this and smack me for being disrespectful to their rituals..So be it.
We had two marriages, no births, 2 engagements and 4 deaths. Life goes on in West.
West Trojans took second place in the District 7-AAA baseball tourney at Richardson, Texas.The Lady Trojans won their opener with a 15-0 victory over Glen Rose. Hot dang..we're rocking now folks.
Oh, man..it's raining really hard out..and I know my seeds are going to either be washed away or flooded and will rot. Knew I should have brought them back on the porch. But I was getting back pains from hauling those 8-9 pots back and forth. Too old for this shit.
There is a great repeat of an old ad from the West News about the Circle Burger here in West. I'm guessing it's 50 years ago. It had already been torn down by the time I got here in the late 70's.
Both grocery stores have great sales this week. West Food Mart has lean ground beef on sale for $1.59 per pound. 5 pound bag of flour for .99cents.5 pound bag of russet potatoes for .99cents.
Babs and I went to Community Grocery today as she had to get cigarettes and Dr Pepper. I had to go because baaaaaaaaaaaaaacon is on sale and Slovacek's sausage is on sale. I only got the hot links but the kid behind the counter who knows of my weakness for Wright's Baaaaacon kept enticing me with 'but it's so sweet, and juicy and sliced so thick.'... I got sausage and made cabbage and sausage for dinner..damn that stuff is good. I'll probably go back tomorrow and get at least a pound of bacon. sigh* I'm so weak..
I had tried the Actos diabetic prescription and it didn't work for me at all. I had heart palpitations, made me hungry and sleepy and my blood sugar was all over the place. So went back to my old and now my blood sugar is fecking right on the money. 95-98 in the AM...and have been eating more carbs so my sugar won't drop. But for some reason it did today after lunch. Was 66..I fucking hate that. I'm going to make an appointment with a real Diabetic Dr in Waco...I keep saying that but so far I can't get myself to get on I-35 and face those assholes in the traffic. sigh*
Dexter the serial killer made his first kill. Got himself a grackle..which is ok with me..them fuckers chase all the little birds away and eat up all my bird seed.
Well...............that's all for the Wednesday West News Report. Hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods...

just added this ps..remember when I said during the BBQ cook off I ran over to Mike's and gave Marissa a bag of books with the 2 Japanese dictionary's in them..? Well I saw her Monday and she started reading them Sunday and has already learned how to say good morning, good after noon and good evening..and hello and good bye..in one day..fluent too...not halting or slow..she just rattled it off..Nancy said not to give her any more books that she had so much information her head was going to explode..


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Drive-through Stations of the Cross? Where do they drive through? Or do they just drive to various buildings that represent the different stations? How intriguing . . . never heard of such a thing before.

Congrats to Dexter for living up to his name!

yellowdoggranny said...

they have the stations set up in the parking lot..and you can drive thru to each station...
see why i laugh?

CorvusCorax12 said...

we had a lot of rain too and then snow :O...the BBQmobil is a riot

Shrinky said...

My jaw is hanging open over here, I obviously haven't lived! BBQ-cook-off's? Drive through religious stations? Blimey, you guys have all the fun. And as to you, I'm feeling exhausted just listening to what you get up to in a week - send me on some of that energy level, please!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks for the information re drive-through stations of the cross. All I can say is: ai-yi-yi!

Anonymous said...

I'd trade my snow for your rain...ugh!

Our cats are killing machines.

Jan said...

Good to hear that you are going to a diabetes specialist. A friend of mine went to one two hours away and it has made a lot of difference.

Do it.

Charlene said...

The thing about heads is, no amount of knowledge or information will cause it to explode. A lack of same can cause in implosion though!

Being a diabetic is not fun as I can attest. You must be treated by an endocrinologist. Mine has been my doc for almost 20 years. He is a blessing.

lucy said...

Well I guess I should follow your lead and go th specialist I'm having problem also with dropping, I can handle it when the sugar goes up but I hate the feeling you get when it drops.
Your town is so much more fun than mine, so I'm moving to your town.
I'm catholic and I was laughing also, never heard of a drive thru station's in a parking lot.

Lady Rae said...

I can't wait to visit West!!! I hope they pay you for these blog posts!!!!