I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, March 26, 2010


March 26, 2010
Obama's Obscure Pronunciation of "Nuclear" Breaks with Tradition
Little Heard Since Carter Presidency, Historians Say

The Borowitz Report) - In what some are calling the boldest move of his Presidency, Barack Obama broke with a time-honored tradition observed by several U.S. Presidents including George W. Bush by pronouncing the word "nuclear" as it appears in the dictionary.Announcing the new weapons pact with Russia today, Mr. Obama repeatedly pronounced the word "nuclear" in a way that has rarely been used by a U.S. President since Jimmy Carter was in the White House.But according to Davis Logsdon, a professor of international relations at the University of Minnesota, Mr. Obama's pronunciation of "nuclear" may have been key to the diplomatic breakthrough: "The Russians have heard Presidents pronounce it "nucular" for so long, they may have thought he was offering something new."Mr. Obama's obscure pronunciation of "nuclear" drew harsh reactions from members of the Tea Party movement, who see the President's obsession with correct English usage as an attempt to make the nation more European.A sign at a recent Teabagger rally read, "Obama Wants to Disconnect Your Granma (sic) and Correct Your Gramar (sic)."Elsewhere, Sarah Palin campaigned for John McCain today in a bid to shore up his support among morons


Charlene said...

My question in the Johnny McC and Sara Pay is, does she get another free hoity toity wardrobe?

Amazing how those right wingers bury the hatchet. A few months ago she was lambasting Johnny's way with her during the presidential campaign. He was distancing himself from having chosen her to run with him. Now in desperation he is turning back to her for help. Oh lordy don't let your babies grow up to be wingnuts!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh no! Don't tell me that the moron vote is slipping!

Missbehavin' said...

Just wanted to make it Official Granny.. I gave you a sunshine award over on my blog Monkey Business.

Thanks for all the laughs and smiles....and food for thought you've given me with your blog.

CorvusCorax12 said...

this librul :P , european, canadian loves it ;)

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on all your posts...what, are you like a frigging super-blogger or something? You post ten posts to my one, I have a hard time keeping up! LOL!

The card with the two chicks on it...that's me and Murphy. LOL!

Patsy said...

I've never been able to understand why someone would vote Republican... But then, this is coming from someone whose country kept Thatcher in power for 11 years... :o(

Wizardess said...

Thank God we now have a President who doesn't abuse the English language with every word that comes out of his mouth.

However, the tea baggers think he's a snob. :)

Snob on, Mr. President.

TheWayfarer said...

Andy's my favorite left-wing whacko...Tho I hasten to add Rush Limbilge would consider ME a "left-wing whacko"!

Intense Guy said...

...what I want to see is Sarah Palin with the RNC flack visiting the topless dancers and bondage outfits at that Hollywood club...