I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Saturday, May 28, 2005


first of all...no one''s noticed im not using all caps any more...so fuck you..
then i get an email from one of my forest gump hating friends eve who lives in anna cortes, washington...here ''tis..
this is a quote from forest gump his own self..
"See, in my line of work (fucking over americans, my quote) you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
please someone kill me now...
then to make it worse im reading the dallas am news...and thi is what i read..
"U.S. seeks access to web provider customer data..."...ole forest wants the federal appeals court to restore its ability to compet internet service providers to turn over information about their customers or subscribers as part of its fight against terrorism...."..fuck me ..i''ll never smile again..
once them fuckers get in here, they will be hauling my ole fat ass off to jail as a "terraist"..as i speak unkindly about king forest gump the idiot...well, who wouldnt if they had an ounce of brain power...then fucking rapist, molesters and pedophiles are getting viagra thru medicare...fuck killing me...let me kill somebody...
our soldiers are having their parents buy them flak jackets as the army doesnt have enough. they are having to use scrap metal to reinforce their humvee''s...forest says we need the money so he is closing down military bases all over the country and one of them is reed amry hospital where all soldiers go to get new arms, legs, etc...fuck me..i''ll never love again...
and to top it off, we needed rain...and we got rain so hard it bend my tomato plants over sideways...the thunder scared the dogs and i left the window on the truck down again, sonofabitch..and seat is wet..so will have a damp ass for 3 fucking days..
and.......my son let me take some of his movies home to view...and troy sucked the big one...only good part was i got to see brad pitt''s ass, and a fine ass it was....saw meet the fokkers...and when my son who is 39 gave it to me he said: mom, this is the best movie ever...(i said no, kill bill 2 is ) he said never mind, this movie is great..and barbara striesand has the most beautiful breasts on an older woman i have ever seen."..i said..how many old lady breasts have you seen thom?" he said after seeing her''s i wont see anymore...and he''s right she''s got great tits..
saw national treasure which i really did like...and shrek2 which was ....ok. but loved antonio banderas''s puss in the boots...now that is funny...i''d like to see his ass...the only way i''d like to see forest gumps ass is when he pulls his head out of it..

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