we had bbq'ed burgers at WRH and was up there on my feet for 51/2 hours ..wore my old ass out..but wow..we had such a great time..great food, perfect weather, and the band was really aces..I'll post the pictures tomorrow on jackiesue's blog..right now both YDG and Jackiesue are pooped..going to pre schedule this post ..take a hot bath, tabu my ass and go to bed..see ya later..

That Mormon Playboy magazine is hot, hot, HOT!
I forgot to put this on Friday's post..duh!..its' been one of those days.
haha..I like it too Debra.
Yep, that Mourning, er Mormon thingy is a winner.
Made me laugh, made me think, made my day!
It's always a good day when you spend it with jackie. :0)
I liked the chess one.
We need to celebrate Joe Biden.
the Ol'Buzzard
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