I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, February 07, 2014

make you think


Jerri said...

Sad, thought provoking, true...painful to watch. Would appreciate hearing men's thoughts. ( Asking in a totally non-aggressive sincerely would-like-to know-manner.)

Vicki said...

Difficult to see either sex abused or marginalized. Perhaps this would raise some awareness or discussion but I sure cringed at the "feminist" society reference. Feminism is about equal rights and not domination.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm curious to hear what the guys say too.

MRMacrum said...

The flick made me damn uncomfortable. I guess that is what they wanted it to do.

jadedj said...

Well, it didn't make me uncomfortable because I don't view myself as treating women that way. I find it disgusting. I realize that is not the case with many men and I understand the point of the film, but quite honestly, any man who does view women as subservient wouldn't be open to dialog about it, in any case. That is NOT to say, don't even try to open the dialog.

Great post Jackiesue!

Rubye Jack said...

Maybe someday we'll make a society in which no one is oppressed. Oh, there I go dreaming again.

MRMacrum said...

jadedj - Hmm. Just because it made me uncomfortable, does in no way mean I view women as subservient. My discomfort comes from knowing that the film was highlighting some uncomfortable truths regarding our gender.

Jerri said...

Thanks, guys. I was hoping we would view it in a similar light. Approaching it as being a humanity/humane issue as much as a gender issue- as long as one person is oppressed, so are we all. My faith is restored.
You've got a great group here, Jackiesue! ( 'course you already knew that,didn't you ? : )

yellowdoggranny said...

galt-in-box, I accidentally deleted your comment..I had no intention of deleting..still don't know how I did it..and don't know how to put it back up..feck..if you would like to redo your comment I'd love to put it up.. swear it was an accident..that's why I said make you think..want to know what your thinking..the only person I delete is bbc.

Intense Guy said...

Someday people will see ALL people as "human beings" just like themselves - flesh blood, emotions, needs and wants.. good traits and failings - we all have them.

TheWayfarer said...

Actually, that video is probably very realistic - for France & most the rest of the EU.

TheWayfarer said...

I really liked the part with the chick jogging by & her puppies flopping!
Damn, I'll take some of THAT "oppression" - Woo-Hoo!