I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, October 31, 2016

my ass is dragin' Monday


Intense Guy said...

Bagged milk isn't just for Canada. My local dairy sells it in bags!

Lots less expensive than cartons.

booda baby said...

Haha. I have something to say about ... oh, every other one of these. So, I'm glad you ended the whole thing with 'fuck' because that's REALLY what I feel like saying just about now.

booda baby said...

Thank you. I'm going to consider that permission. (I don't typically need permission, but it's always nice to say I got some. :))

jadedj said...

Definitely Middle Finger for Drumpf signs. It's an automatic reflex in my car. If my wife is with me, she always adds a raspberry sound. Makes my fucking day!