I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

fuck St. Patrick



Valerie said...

Haha! Both confederacy flags is my favorite. You have a great week!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, fuck St Patrick! That's why I call it Irish Heritage Day instead.

Spaghetti-stained tupperware, LOL! That Adam's Rib one is great, hahahahaha! And oh dear, fire extinguishers and getting banned from Toys R Us!

Vivian Swift said...

I would never underestimate you.

pam nash said...

The couple shopping would be a joke BUT, I have seen such when I lived in Galveston. You should see the sight from the front - eye blinding! And then, Banned from Toys R Us - some people have no sense of humor!

wibble said...

Fuck Steev Scalise. I'm not above wishing the person who shot him had had better aim.

JustGail said...

I did not know about the snakes in ireland not being literal snakes. Thanks - you've given me another reason to ignore the hell out of the day. As if I'm not Irish and not catholic (any religion actually) isn't enough. Green beer and rivers carry the stench of desperation of need for a reason to party near winter's end than any actual religious thing. And who needs a special occasion to make a brisket? Not me!

The Blog Fodder said...

I do not know how I got so old and did not know about St Patrick until this week. Thank you for the education.

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie, I always have a great week.
Debra, Adam's Rib..my favorite.
Vivian, smart move.
Pam, that toys r us looks like something I would do.or my son.
wibble, me too.
Just Gail...yeah, the history of St. Patrick is interesting..like he's not Irish and was held as a slave there til he escaped and then came back and demolished their religions..asshole.
Fodder, read up on him..very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, good as always!