I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, January 19, 2024

It's cold....no it's hot...no it's cold....fucckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

                                                         what the fuck is that on his hands?



Debra She Who Seeks said...

That last one struck too close to home -- we're freezing our asses off up here!

SickoRicko said...

I loved "Memeingless". (And a few others, as well.)

Leanna said...

Same here in Texas.

Cleora Borealis said...

The resemblance between Al Lewis and Rafael Cruz is uncanny, but what a horrible legacy for Lewis, a delightful actor and a fighter for left-wing causes!!

Somewhere said...

Lovely, and thank you for finding and showing them - - but how dare anyone defame Grandpa Munster like this?! 🦇

Jerri said...

“Sleepy Joe grabs a pussy”…with the “Nancy Clap” in the background. Perfection.
So, these red marks on the twice impeached loser’s hand…someone speculated attempt at “stigmata” with a sharpie. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Good to hear from you, YDG, hope it means you have time, energy and are feeling well. Thanks for the Friday send off.

River said...

There's no hell-freezing going on down here in Australia so I can keep putting things off a while longer.

Tundra Bunny said...

Again, Middle Age Riot is right on the money, LOL!

I think Pete Buttigieg would make a good VP and backstop for Joe Biden in 2024. Kamela Harris doesn't seem to have done a helluva lot, unless that's normal for a VP?

Anonymous said...

if the Republican God which is the Christian God were actually pro life, he would not have killed every living thing on earth just because something happened to rub him the wrong way that day. it doesn’t take much to trigger Jehovah into going on a killing spree. Look what he is allowing in Ukraine.

yellowdoggranny said...

freezes our assess off here to Drbra..
thanks Rick...
Leanna, it's coooooold.
cleora ...anyone that looks like Cruz would be insulted.
Somewhere, ain't that the truth.
jerri...it's weird what that stuff is on his hand..
River..what is the temp there is Australia?I mean for a low?
Bunny...I love Middle age riot...he's so smart.
I don't think the Republicans have a god..

River said...

Depends on which part of Australia. I am in South Australia and our winter overnight temperatures can be as low as 7C, though not often and that's 44.6F, so you'd be toasty warm. Day time temps are a bit warmer, anywhere between 15C and about 19-20C which is 59-66F
Today it is supposed to be around 33C (91.4F) but it's summer and tomorrow is expected to be 40C, 104F.
Beach weather, but don't forget the sunscreen.

The Blog Fodder said...

Republican logic and male fragility. So good