I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, March 18, 2024


I love the look on his face soooo much. His grandpa said it was ok, to take a bite out of his cake..he did..and that is the look afterward..I can't believe he is 5. I had him for part of the weekend and he was so excited..we read his favorite book at night time...Go The Fuck To Sleep. He said that he loved staying with his gg..the best. betcha ass.


SickoRicko said...

I'm glad to see you looking so good!

Ozma G said...

Those are some lucky kids.

JiEL said...

Noce family souvenirs. That is real family values.
Be happy to have so beautiful grand children.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They're all getting so big and grown up now! Even little Dylan -- happy 5th birthday to him!

River said...

Love him taking a bite out of his cake :)

Jerri said...

Oh, Jackiesue, how lovely! Look at all the love. What a tremendous family you have. Nice to see 🥰
Dylan’s 5 ?!? Inconceivable.

Burr Deming said...

A wonderful pictorial dedicated to a beautiful relationship.

Thank you.

yellowdoggranny said...

it was so great..then the weekend after the party Dylan came and visited and we had so much fun. He was pissed cause it was raining and we couldn't go to the park..but we watched a movie and played with his cars and legos...getting up and down on the floor is not pretty to watch, but by Goddess I made it. His favorite part of the night is me reading his favorite book. Go the Fuck to sleep. I don't read it as well as Samuel Jackson, but Dylan doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

Nose touch. GOTS