I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, August 26, 2024

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahaha, thanks for renting the bus for us! And every sensible person in America and the world wants to watch that Inauguration!

Lin Barker said...

Great stuff Thanks

Jerri said...

Yes you are and you brought a great lineup with you! donnie ”reaching out to women” is dead on. So is “ Karma - la” 🎶
Now that the repubs are running the 3 stooges I feel I can breathe.
Stay cool and I’ll take one fuckin’ ticket on that fuckin’ bus.

JustGail said...

A big YES! to the "I think therefore F T" one.
Glad you're back!

SickoRicko said...

Happy to see you posting again! I love the fortune-telling one.

Cleora Borealis said...

Before the haters, who grew up without love in their lives and won't admit they need therapy, got their knives out for Gus Walz, he and Hope Walz showed fun love for their father that deeply broken weirdos don't understand: https://youtube.com/shorts/zexO0eipXts?si=myhUCBI_Yur5W6JN

JiEL said...

HOPE has now a real name and candidate in USA, KAMALA is on her way to the White House. HOPE this election in your country will have a great majority to crush down this anus mouth orande felon for ever. Kamala is a such a sensible and experienced woman with criminals that she knows how to deal with «45». I'm eager to see her on September 10 debate crushing Donny boy in despare and tears. GO KAMALA GO.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see you again!! A great lineup today, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great 👍