I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

just when I was out............... you pulled me back in...........



bruce.desertrat said...

Always glad to see you YDG! Love "I've got high friends in places" :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"My reaction to everything right now" -- HAHAHAHAHA! And this is why we're glad you're back in the blogosphere, YDG!

Anonymous said...

You keep me going, Granny! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Granny! Cheers!

Jerri said...

You most definitely have high friends in GOOD places!
Sisyphus/Sisyphia (feminized) No fucking shit.
Welcome back. I was hoping you’d miss us as much as we miss you. We’re in this together - thankfully. Rock on…

Cleora Borealis said...

🫶🥰 OK, Jackiesue, I'm going to break the non-disclosure agreement all us fans of yours signed and let you know: whenever you tell us you need to end, we hire a sorcerer and she puts spells on you until you return to us!! 🧙‍♀️🧝‍♀️🧞‍♀️ You will never leave us! We have our ways!! 😘

Tundra Bunny said...

Your reaction to absolutely everything right now -- me too, LOL!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Of course, I am glad you are back.
On the meme of the woman pushing men's balls - or a ball of men - whatever - up the hill: I have always felt that women could be the savior of our democracy - the sanity in insane politics; but 55% of women voted for Trump! I am disillusioned....
the Ol'Buzzard

Anonymous said...

Bless you for all you f'kin do.

Ozma G said...

Bless you for all you f'king do.

The Blog Fodder said...

John Jessop makes me want to puke. We are going to need all the humour, sarcasm and wit you can send our way to stay sane

SickoRicko said...

I'm late to this party; but better late than not at all. Excellent stuff!

Sandy said...

So glad we pulled you back in. We need you. As always great meme's. The question, who elected Elon Musk, needs to be asked over and over again. Also loved the egg price and deportation one. I just wish that when he starts his hideous policies that it would only hurt those that were stupid enough to vote for him. Look forward to a visit from you. We must keep supporting each other so we don't go crazy.

Rad said...

Thank you, JS!

Cleora Borealis said...

👋 Knock knock...hello! Jackiesue, are you still out there? I hope you are well. Happy Festivus For The Rest Of Us!! ✊️😅

Richard said...

Happy trails, wherever they may lead you....

Sandy said...

Well it's official, the orange blob is in charge, or Elon's puppet, either way, the feeling in the pit of my stomach just won't go away. Reading about his pardoning the Jan 6th criminals makes me sick. I just don't know how we're going to get through this sh....show. Hope you're doing well, and hope to hear from you soon. Take Care.

Sandy said...

Just waving hi, wondering how you're doing.

JustGail said...

I've missed your posts these last months. Sucks that it's over permanently now. I hope Freya gave you a royal welcome to her hall.

1st Man said...

You are already missed. Please see what strings you can pull from the other side to help get us out of this mess. RIP always!

wibble said...

Wait, did I miss something?!

Rade said...

Rest in peace, Jackiesue, rest in peace. Actually, no! I want your ghost to come back and kick up some shit! LOTS of it! Haunt the fuckers! Run them all down on a spectral chariot pulled by cats!

Miss you. I am going to keep fighting the fight. Never thought I was going to fight Nazi's in my retirement years. The fuckers.

Sandy said...

I keep popping in and waving hi and wondering how you're doing. These are not fun times.

Burr Deming said...

So sorry to hear that our YellowDog Granny has been taken from us.