When I saw this I fell onto the floor laughing..Clinton has been pissed at Carter for badmouthing him during the Monica affair and thinks when Carter lost the election it cost him the Governor's mansion in Arkansas. Wh
en they took photos of all the living presidents..Carter couldn't have stationed himself any further away without being out of the room..I love the look on Hilary's face as she watches them not only walk right by but just keep right on walking...The Clinton's and the Carter's get along better with George and Barbara Bush than they do with each other..Pretty funny.
Yep! Sheesh, you'd think they all would have graduated, emotionally, from acting like they're still in Junior high!
He always was a puritan at heart.
You should check out It was changed the minute the oath was complete. It's a lot more interesting than the Bush site.
I think Carter is a good man but he wishes he did more than have impure thoughts as he said once.
Funny, I always looked at Bill Clinton as somebody who could get along with anyone, but he's shown the same great taste as the rest of the nation in largely shunning the peanut farmer...
There are reasons Cahtah was a one-termer (talk about a buttroy)!
The thing that got me was that both Clinton and Carter kissed the Evil Witch of the East(Babs)and lived.
I can't understand why there are still those that hate Carter. He was ahead of the times when it came to things like energy and the only one to the so-called "Christian" President that actually lived and acted like one. His problem was he didn't know how to get things done and allowed the NeverRight-Wing to walk all over him.
I love the new entry classification - "buttroy"!
In this case its buttroys or perhaps buttroi?
i think carter has more integrity in his little finger than clinton has in his entire body.
(nicer wife too)
I think it is highschool girls fighting..they need to get over it.
It's going way overboard for people in general and the "right"-wing in particular to say Jimmy Carter was the worst President in American history...That distinction is held hands-down by LBJ.
From all I've read, Kulkuri's diagnosis is the closest to accurate as to why that administration did not succeed.
Nope, Ted, worst president ever just left office. LBJ screwed up with Vietnam, but he did a lot of other things right. I can't think of a single success, no matter how tiny, to associate with aWol.
Hey JackieSue!! I will have to watch this on another computer! At the library. Wish it was the library in West, TX! Isn't this just the best last four days you've had in many years? (Eight or so years?) Yeah, me too!!!!
I can remember an interview with Carter in Playboy when he confessed to lusting in his heart. None of us ever figured that out.
Seems to Galt-in-Da-Box anyone that loved LBJ would fawn and swoon over Dubya...Same freaking thing, only with a (R) behind his name, and minus the X-rated phone calls to Jackie K before The Last Democrat's body was even cold.
Major reason I couldn't stand "Shrub".
Dubya's major accomplishments/legacy: Destroying the Republican Party forever, creating the "kool-aid-drinking GOPher.
"Right"-wing hacks like to say you folk worship Obama...Hell, compared to the 100% blind faith so many wingnuts to this day put in former Prez.Johnny-Reb, it's no contest.
I pray for Barack Obama: Something I quit doing for Dubya when I realized he was a freaking fascist!
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