I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

slowly I turn, step by step...

 some of you will get that and some of you may not..or maybe none of you will get it. Think Abbott and Costello..

some of these might be repeats cause  I forgot to delete the fuckers from the last post. Sorry. Having an Alzheimer's moment. I hate when that happens...my hours are all messed up from staying up till 3 or 4 watching the Olympics and sleeping all day. fuckaduck. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, I remember "slowly I turn . . ." What a classic! Celsius, LOL! Hillary's shout-out to plumbers, LOLOL!

Valerie said...

Completely awesome! Temperature powerball numbers--in South Carolina, we have 70s, 30s, 80s, 50s in the next few days. Have a great week!

PS The Jeffrey Dahmer meme (Monday?) got me put in Facebook jail :-D

Ol'Buzzard said...

Niagara Falls Slowly I turned, step by step
The Three Stooges

the Ol'Buzzard

Leanna said...

In that last meme, David yells into the phone "REPRESENTATIVE!" every freaking time like it's going to scare the computer on the other end into giving him better service.

pam nash said...

I think Mother Nature needs to take yoga to help relieve the stress that is causing her to handout such weird weather. 80 degs and sunny yesterday. 44 degs, cloudy AND windy today. ???????

SickoRicko said...

So. Much. Good. Stuff. I liked the piano-drop; I didn't not know about that.

JustGail said...

NIagra Falls! Slowly I turn. Step by step. Inch by inch.
Abbott and Costello? I know 3 Stooges did that bit - classic.

I need to use that technique on customer service menus!

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra I loved it so much.
valerie..the meme got you put into jail? hell facebook is where I got it...find me on facebook and send friend request..if you'd like.
fuckme olbuzzard it was 3 stooges...fuuck. I was so sure it 'was A and C.I think because it was just 2 of the 3 stooges I remember it as A and C..
leanna I just had that experience this morning..except I was yelling 'member..
Pam it's colder than hel....icy streets till 6pm tomorrow..fuck.
ricko I didn't know about that either..kind of great and kind of wtf

Gail...you were right 3 stooges..sigh***

wibble said...

I usually just keep pressing 'zero' until I get a live person, or I get too pissed to think straight and hang up...

yellowdoggranny said...

wibble works for me.

JustGail said...

I got to wondering... so to Da Googlies I went. There WAS a version of Niagra Falls by Abbott & Costello, with Errol Flynn.

Not that it matters much considering the news this morning.

yellowdoggranny said...

oooh thank you Gail....I was convinced it was Abbott and Costello..even after seeing the stooges I couldn't believe it. Thanks for restoring my sanity.