I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, June 06, 2022

I'm in the jailhouse now..facebook jailhouse that is...sigh*..

sorry this is short...I been pooped...still recovering from 4 days with the ggs...them little assholes are tough..



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry the GGs ran you ragged, YDG -- hope you can rest up now! And I hope you get out of FB jail soon. Have a good week and thanks for today's laffs!

SickoRicko said...

You did a bang-up job even though you're pooped.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm just now starting to get my second wind..ha

Leanna said...

Girlfriend you need to get your kids to bring you a couple bottles of the good stuff or some of Willie's best Top Shelf in exchange for watching the kids. Not for you. . . for the gg's. A little in their juice boxes and they'll be more manageable. I'm not kidding.
BTW this was a great posting. Loved the Johnny Depp memes. So good.

yellowdoggranny said...

leanna I'm pretty sure the grands would object to me putting downers in their kids juice box.hhahh.

Unknown said...

I have discovered an absolute foolproof way to find the 'safe place' you've put something:

Go buy another one, because you cannot find the safe place you put the one you have.

When you're done with the new one, and go to put it in a safe place...that's where you'll find the old one.

Happened to me in real life a couple weeks ago. I now have two rolls of ½" square wire cage fencing with about a foot and a half off the roll...in a safe place...

yellowdoggranny said...

unknown...genius...now all I have to do is find another $100 that I can replace the one I put in a safe place..hah

Valerie said...

I got put in FB jail too, for a meme that I reposted from FB. I hate how arbitrarily they apply their "community standards". I was thinking of deleting my account though, because of their support of Trump and the Repugnican party. Take care!

Tundra Bunny said...

de Adder's political cartoons are great satire at its best and the one you posted today doesn't disappoint, YDG! And he's Canadian to boot!

River said...

a few years from now my own gg's will be running me ragged.
"...put that shit back where you found it" rule #1 for my mum and later for me too. We were never late for school or work or appointments because we didn't have to run around looking for stuff we needed that wasn't where it should have been. it isn't OCD, it's called being organised.

Richard said...

Oh no! You are in Facebook jail again! I am in Bored Panda jail at the moment! I must have said something they don't like. And here i thought i was being all polite!
Anyway, thank you for your posts.

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie, one of my friends on facebook said 'well, you have to laugh..cause it's no surprise.' how are we not facebook friends? Jackiesue Roycroft Denney..check it out.
Bunny I love canaderians..a lot.
River..I was raised in the military so everything had it's place and everything was in it's place. same way today..I almost went crazy with my 3 kids trying to teach that.
Richard what is bore panda jail?

pam nash said...

YES! I put things in a safe place all the time . . . then forget where that particular safe place is. Argh! You know, I looked up Germany in the 1930's. Sounds alarming similar to our todays.

wibble said...

The safest places I have are "on my person" and "right in front of me", and I STILL forget where shit is...

And FUCK Barney Rubble-ette.

yellowdoggranny said...

Pam we're a hop skip and jump from electing Herr Fuhrer as our leader...
wibble..lets face it..there is no safe place.

wibble said...

..."Hair Furor", you mean?

Fuck him, too. Fucking spray-tanned vegemite-brained shitslobber...

Valerie said...

I'm going to take you up on your invite! Thanks!

yellowdoggranny said...

wibble..where's a good sniper when you need one?
Valerie...thanks and good to talk to you...