I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, July 22, 2022

well fuck..................................I have covid

 found out yesterday but probably had it a few days as I've had allergy symptoms which I now realize was covid..I wear my mask all the time so don't know where I got it. I feel good ..like a cold right now. Slight headache and cold symptoms. But just an alert if there is no post Monday it's because I don't feel well enough to post...if I croak I'll let someone let you..haha laters gaters..I love you sonsabitches. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a bummer, Jackiesue! I hope all your vaxxes keep your symptoms mild. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

Leanna said...

Shit woman!
Have you been vaxed and boosted. Well, fuck, of course you have. What am I thinking?
Please take care and don't give it to the gg's.

Lin Barker said...

Take care of yourself. Don't worry about posting Monday if you don't feel like it.


Marcia LaRue said...

You and the Prez ... Hope you only have the sniffles and a cough like he is having! Of course, he is getting some other heavy-duty meds because ... well, he's the Prez and you're not! Sorry!
Take care, stay hydrated and do what you have to!!

Ozma Gibbs said...

We love you, too! Get well quick.

S M McBean said...

Hope you have a mild case. My cousin and his wife have it now. Not too sick, but tired. So just lounge around and make other people wait on you. Seriously, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Jeff Del Papa said...

I got hit in April. Paxlovid was helpful, but left a metallic taste in my mouth while taking it. About a week after finishing it, I had a brief return of symptoms. (In my case symptoms were serious exhaustion, and the classic “my whole skeleton aches).

Was vaxed and boosted, and was scheduled for second boost the day I tested positive. So I had to wait a few weeks before getting shot 4.

Richard said...

Well that sucks. Please take care of yourself. You are already an old person, but we still need you. So i hope you will get better.

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra..doing a lot of sleeping which I'm enjoying as it's keeping me indoors and away from the heat.
Leanna, oh yeah, I'm fully covered with shots..so my symptoms have been mild.
Lin I really think I'll feel ok to do them, but it was a just in case.
Marcia I think he and I are both getting the best care..and my dr has a cooler name than his..Cujo...ha
ahh, Oz..I'm working on it.
S. M. I'm doing really good so far..and believe it or not I've been taking aleve and alka-seltzer and it's working ..haha
Jeff, not sure what cujo will prescribe as don't have video apt till Monday..he's booked full today..seems there is another run of covid going around.But since I'm vaxxed and boosted I'm not that concerned.
Thank all of you guys for the well wishes..chin out tits up..

Tundra Bunny said...

I hope you feel better soon, YDG -- we need your brand of fucktastic fuckery in the world!

River said...

At least you are vaxxed and boosted so you won't have lasting long term effects. Hope you are well again very soon.

JustGail said...

Oh No!! I hope it passes quickly for you, all vaxxed up (and masked up) is a good thing. Even (especially?) if one does somehow manage to catch the vile contagion.

Jimmy T said...

Just got over the Covid two weeks ago. Caught it from the granddaughter, who caught it while at the beach for an extended weekend (she quickly recovered). Was miserable for a few days, but was still able to walk the dog every day. If you're fully vaccinated, you should be fine. It just takes a few days to get beyond the worst of it. I expect to see you back online soon. Rock on Jackiesue...

SickoRicko said...

Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that! As others have said: Take care and take it easy. You're a tough old bird and you'll get well soon!

Jennifer said...

It seems like two thirds of the people I know who've managed to avoid Covid these past two years are now getting it. I'm afraid of when my turn comes, as I expect it will. Thankfully, almost everyone I know who got it have been just fine after a few days or a week (provided they were vaxxed and boosted).

Take good care of yourself! I'm sending you positive thoughts of healing and a negative test very soon!

yellowdoggranny said...

woke up this morning and thought ..well, yeah this is no head cold ..this is covid..feel like hammered shit and having trouble breathing..asthma is not helping...my granddaughter Jamie is coming to get me to take me to emergency care ...not waiting for monday for cujo..yeah, this sucks..love you all..and thanks for the good vibes...jackiesue

The Blog Fodder said...

Hope it is a mild case. Lots of people cheering for you. Take no chances. Love and hugs

pam nash said...

No croaking! Feel better soon!

Valerie said...

Just saw this--thinking of you and hoping you have minor symptoms and heal quickly. Take care, darlin'

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie I'm almost over it...renal Paxlovid really worked.