I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Don't recall FBI raiding Hillary's house..



yellowdoggranny said...

thank you Rad.............

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love ALL the memes and lols about the FBI raid and I really appreciate you including 18 U.S. Code ss 2071. Go for it, DOJ!

SickoRicko said...

You put an excellent point on the latest event.

I have so much schadenfreude that I wet myself!

JustGail said...

As a former security clearance holder, I'll never accept the manufactured outrage the Rs have over his having classified documents in unsecured and unapproved locations being confiscated with a signed warrant. If I had mishandled so much as 1 classified item even if it never left work site, you bet there'd be an investigation. 45 & his lackeys taking thousands of documents is in no way an accident and that alone deserves him sitting in jail for a long time.

The one about 45s library destroyed in the raid... it would be funny there wasn't such a high chance of it being true.

pam nash said...

I like that US code, part B. And, all the rest!

Tundra Bunny said...

Wouldn't it be great if Traitor Tot ends up going to prison for taking work home?

Thanks for the stellar line-up of memes about the FBI raid, so many LOLs that my face hurts from laughing and schadenfreude!

Leanna said...

Awesome shit my dear! When I heard the news that the Orange Turd House got raided I nearly died with happiness. Now if they could just get him cuffed and indicted then I would die a happy woman.

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra..more raid memes coming on Friday.I'd almost give up my wish to have the orange one to go to jail if they would make it impossible for him to hold any office, admit the big lie was a lie..that he scammed everyone and can not endorse anyone ever.if he does? he goes to jail.
Gail, you know there has never never been one instance of them building a trump presidential library...ever..not one person ..hahaha.hell you can't even take a book out of a library without getting into trouble..what did he think would happen when he took all them boxes out of the white house..that asshole.
Pam...yeah, me too...very important.
thank you Bunny...i kiss your hurt cheeks.
Leanna, I know I was dancing and laughing..it's a good day.

River said...

I laughed out loud when I read "he hadn't even finished coloring in one of them yet"

Ol'Buzzard said...

Trump trailing toilet paper - I can't shake that image.
the Ol'Buzzard

Mildred Ratched said...

All I can say is OMG that was almost as good as sex! What would be better is putting the dirtbag in prison and then I'll scream HALLELUJAH!

yellowdoggranny said...

think coloring is over his head too River.
yeah, that was a highlight for me to ol'buzzard.
mildred..........ain't it grand?