I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

I love you fuckers sooooo much

                                                   except for the pleasant part.

that I threw this together for you between me baking two 20 pound turkeys, an industrial size pan of sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, masked potatoes and gravy and some desserts. So yippy ki-ayyyy  mother fuckers...and just for further notice? This is my last year for doing this. I'll be 80 next year and this isn't how I want to spend my 80th year.. up to my ass in alligators and feeding 75 people. Let me tell you folks...I've had 11/2 hours sleep..so I'm running on adrenaline and meanness. Plus a lot of Barry's tea.  Don't know when I'll be able to do another post. Hopefully next Monday but Wednesday for sure. so laters for now dudes...I'm fixing to go cram some butter up them birds asses..


Leanna said...

My Goddess!
You're gonna run your ass into the ground. Grab a good stiff whiskey and then tear it up! That's what I plan on doing next week. Fuck the pain pills. I plan on drunking it up starting the 21st and I ain't stopping until Jan 2.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Holy moly, YDG, you're wrapping up your volunteer cooking and baking with a BANG! How did you even have any time to find these excellent memes and LOLs? My fave is, of course, "Yippee Ki Yay, Thy Fornicator of Motherhood!" Jesus, Take The Wheel is a close second!

yellowdoggranny said...

Rad it makes me think of the old military expression...when in danger when in doubt run in circles scream and shout.
Leanna if I wasn't an alcoholic I might try the whiskey bit...
Debra..those were my 2 favorites too..and I'm not sure it's a band or a whimper..

River said...

Masked potatoes? I'm picturing long potatoes in masks, Zorro style capes and hats. With fat toothpicks in boots.

The Blog Fodder said...

You are the best to do this every year for people who need it. As to quitting I'll believe it when it happens. You are like an old fire horse when the bell rings. Can you recruit someone to help you?
Happy Holidays, Dear Lady.

SickoRicko said...

What Rad said! Take care sweetie.

Jerri said...

YDG, you’re a better woman than I… and made of stronger stuff! Time for you to either become Supervisor or Greeter - whichever direction you’d like to go. Obviously you love doing it and you absolutely rock at it and it needs doing…time to delegate. Let someone else wrestle the turkeys, you welcome and seat ‘em then slide those feet under the table and enjoy. You have more than earned it.
Thanks for thinking of us. The “Not all I love you is real..” made me smile - knowingly 😉 as did Lucy.
But it’s really nice to know I’m Christmas lights. Rest…you’re in the homestretch 💪

Anonymous said...

OMG! At first I thought you meant you weren't going to post any more memes!! Gave me a fucking heart attack! Rest up because we need you!

Richard said...

Hannukah starts on December 18 this year and runs for 8 days. It always surprises me because i dont follow that calendar. I am too ignorant. But Easter follows the same calendar. So i get confused. So i will do the best i can, like you.

Richard said...

Dolly on a tamale! Oh haha! I am so slow, i didnt see it until today. Feliz Navidad querida Ydg y toda la gente.

yellowdoggranny said...

river. omg. I laughed so hard. you can tell I don't check what I type. Now I can't get that picture out of my head. hahahah..
Blog Fodder you know how I love my gg's. Well I missed a Christmas event with my grands and greats because I was in so much pain I couldn't go. So unless my health gets better...I'll be in the helping from the sidelines mode. I love doing it...but it's really getting harder and harder every year.
Rick....all I've done today is sleep...nice.
Jerri..that's my plan...help raise the money but someone else will have to go the work for party..Donna doesn't even want to do it any more..I don't want to do that..I just can't do the stuffing butter up birds asses and baking them and all the rest..Donna and I are about the same age and we're like looking for fresh meat to help out.
anonymous nah..I think I'll stick around for awhile..as long as we have stupid republicans doing and saying stupid things...I'll be here.
richard, my calendar has all the religious dates on them so I'm good.
and I laughed so hard at Dolly on a tamale...I had to get my translator out for that...sorry..all my spanish is very bad language..bendejo..cinga du madre..etc..