I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, May 05, 2023

I'm doing this on Thursday afternoon so I won't forget.hahahahah



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Satan's restraining order, LOL! "Foxbreath," oh dear!

Hey Jackiesue, you'll like my May Full Moon Altar post today -- it features your girl Freya!

Bruce.desertrat said...

Your journey is a lot longer if you stop and bark back at all the barking dogs, but it's a lot more fun.

Jerri said...

Way to strategize, Jackiesue! As the sun comes up over my iPad I’d rather be with my muse than news with my morning tea.
As a “grown ass woman” - and an old one, so wisdom born of pain - I remember the roll out of “trickle down economics” and how marvelously logical it was presented. Always brought to my mind golden showers but…yup! They bought into it. And here we are, poor, powerless and getting <2% on our savings.
The trash can is perfect. So is the pizza.
The green putrid haze that hovers over the “supreme” court is getting really thick. Another fail we won’t address.
But Tuckum’s stream of consciousness rants win it all. I hope someone weaves these all together and gives us a really great reason to rethink our society/civilization.
Thanks for the thoughts, YDG. Going to score me some ibuprofen and have a restful weekend.

SickoRicko said...

Florida as 1930s Germany is very accurate.

Mr. Shife said...

Regulate Dick not Jane. Amen.
I do like calling MTG a Luna Tick. Quite appropriate.
And it is a damn shame how we treat veterans. They are not disposable heroes.
Have a great weekend.

Richard said...

Felicidades and best wishes for you. Where i live, we always we always wish you a happy Cinco de Mayo, just because.
We know it is not authentic. We do not walk around with big papers that say "i am a beaner loving libtard".
We don't do that. But if they insist, we do keep Cinco de Mayo. It is part of that Critical Race Theory that they force on us. We like to scare them.

Jimmy T said...

I'm gonna steal a few of these...

River said...

Someone must have been truly bad for Satan to have a retstraining order!

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra, I love your Freya altar...
Bruce, I bark and bite too...
Jerri..who in their right might would believe that trickle-down theory.? Ibuprofen isn't bad, but I actually like Aleve better.
Ricky, it's just so scary..and don't think it's going to get any better.
Mr Shife...its disgusting how we treat our vets...
Steal away JimmyT
River..I tried as hard as I could.

The Blog Fodder said...

Both Canada and USA do not treat their vets kindly. Use em and lose em. Makes me sick