I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, July 07, 2023

day with gg's...watching tv or movies that mom doesn't want us to watch..

 I love being a bad example.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fancy shaved armpits! All the Supreme Court ones are right on. And the thick thighs one, LOL!

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra wish the supreme court ones were not true...and the thick thighs one strikes close to home here..hahah

Jerri said...

The mood ring!
Oh yeah, that Trump Funk has permeated the very fibers and it’s a skunk-funk/rotting flesh funk. That’s going to be impossible to ignore…or remove.
Appreciate the accurate Gym Jordan rendering. What a loser…and he “represents” me? I think not. Looks like we’re (Ohio) getting abortion rights on the ballot! It’s going to be messy, but what isn’t these days?
We are definitely broken. Don’t know what we’re going to have to do to resolve our Less Than Supreme Court, but it needs to be done…NOW! A request from one of the “Intolerant Left”.
Jack Smith scares the shit out of me…don’t let me down, Jack.
G’morning,Jackiesue. Dolly is one of our national treasures, isn’t she? Enjoy your day with the gg’s. Being a “bad example “ is such fun and the kids love it. Try to squeeze in some “hurkle-durkling”

SickoRicko said...

Terrific variety today! (I hope you get relief from that fan.)

Tundra Bunny said...

And here I thought you were taking the summer off, YDG!

Love the psychopathic duck and the DRUMSTICK ENDS -- hope those are available in Canada (I get so tired of eating all those Drumstick cones just to get to the ends, LOL!).

Beth said...

Hurkle durkling!!! I finally have a term for my favorite activity. Love it. Thank you for sharing these beauties!

Richard said...

With her shaved fancy armpits...elegance...
Hey can i laugh while I am here?

The heat was more moderate today. It is July in southern Utah, yes that same district that brings you Senator Mike Lee. He doesn't care, he just goes from one air-conditioned office to another. He lives under protection of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It boggles my mind, how a utopian religious movement could become so corrupt.

River said...

I LOVE Dolly Parton reading to the kids and writing checks for more books. I've always liked her and now even more.
Also like the shop that refuses service to Trump supporters.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Thomas and Ginni in bed together, I had rather not think about that.
Is that how you use the fan in Texas heat? I just stand in front of the ac with may pants down.
the Ol'Buzzard

RockyD said...

You deserve an award YDG for your consistently entertaining collections of memes. And you never give up. You're awesome and we are here every Mon-Wed-Fri morning, round about 7:30, the call of "Is she up yet?" has become the usual in our house. Many thanks and keep on keepin' on!

yellowdoggranny said...

Jerri, I have so many like minded friends that live in Ohio and I just don't understand how it can just fail. We're working on changing Texas blue..sigh**** just a long haul.
ain't Dolly the best???
Rick, I just sit around and adjust the speed on my fan..hahahah
Bunny I'm always threating to quit..or take a month off..I think I lasted a week..I keep saying I'm damn near 80..I should be resting at a spa..hahha
don't you love the drumstick ends..good stuff maynard.
Beth, it's become my new favorite words.
Richar..I have a couple readers that are from Utah...Mormon Religion falls in the same category as Scientology...cults.
RockyD..you make me feel so good..I actually have your Christmas card out to send you a thank you for your goodness every year..and confession..sometimes I have post done at least a day ahead...bless you sweetie.
Ol'Buzzard..now I can't get that vision out of my head..

River..business would have to have a pretty good cliental to refuse them assholes service..I'd go broke here in West..Dolly Rocks.

Valerie said...

I used to own ducks, so yes, you don't want to run afowl of the psychopathic quack-waddlers. And I actually think a dog-fight is too high-falutin' for the likes of the sporkfoot. Have a great week!

yellowdoggranny said...

valerie...ducks...are crazy...