I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, July 10, 2023

hotter than a 2 peckered goat................

 Blogger is fucking with me again...fuckaduck.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Middle Age Riot is in top form, as usual! And Elon Musk waking up to the Twitter bird's head, LOLOL!

Jerri said...

Ah, a sense of humor…critical! Especially these days. Keeps the body count down and my head from exploding.
“ ‘Possum tolerance” That IS love.
Oh, I think donnie lifted a finger…two middle fingers…just like he always does to those who do his bidding.
Chloroform …hmmmm.
“To everyone who told me to calm down in 2016” SEE! A-fucking-men.
But my fav…I don’t fit in…VERY proud of that.
Thanks, Jackiesue, for kick starting my Monday. Love that Marge got booted. Maybe it was her “fancy shaved armpits” 🤭
Stay cool 😎

SickoRicko said...

Terrific stuff today!

Valerie said...

Possums in the attic--awesome. The photoshop of the Cheeto Nazi made me throw up a little in my mouth. Thanks Jackie Sue!

Tundra Bunny said...

"Spray-tanned shit manatee", "Top secret files go better with Coke" and "I'm fat because I'm full of experiences" made me LOL. Thanks for another great line-up of laughs to start our week, YDG!

Mr. Shife said...

We are just hotter than two rats getting it on in a wool sock.
I realized when I saw that Mitch McConnell photo that I haven't heard much from that dude in a long time. I wish his buddies would follow suit.

RevZafod said...

One is slightly off.
Total years Sentenced for Jan 6 defendants: about a thousand.
Total fingers lifted by Donald Trump to help Jan 6 defendants: exactly zero.

Should have ended with: exactly one [middle].

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra, I just love middle age riot...he's always spot on.
Jerri...yeah, Marge getting her ass handed to her made my day..shaved armpits and all..hahah
thanks Rick..
Valerie..I really did love the possum in the attic.
Bunny yeah, those were some of my favorites..spray tanned shit manatee was pretty fucking great.
Mtich Mconnel who? Mr Shife..
Rev, trump doesn't care about those assholes...unless they send him money.