I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

fuckme it's nippily out...and ain't it grand.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.blogger is back to browsing and picking and choosing memes..better fix it up by Friday or I swear I'm quitting til it gets fixed.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

MAGA hats! Biden's dog! Annoying the Spellcheck! Hahahahaha! Say, did you and the GGs enjoy the solar eclipse on Saturday? It was barely noticeable up here, but people still got all excited about it.

Jerri said...

Donnie always wanted badass Commanders…I say we introduce them. Dogs don’t do bullshit.
Oh, the first one…but I’ll take it 🍁
The anti wrinkle cream. A true testament indeed.
I like the billionaire plan. Just how fucking much money does your vapid soul need?
You know, I miss Dwayne…down in Africa too.
I’m that introvert 🤭
Had outpatient procedure Monday. Versed has me searching for words and my mind. Thanks, Jackiesue.

Cleora Anderson said...

I thank the universe that I was raised by parents who taught me to not be dumb, evil, insecure, and hateful enough to become a trump supporter. And, I try very hard to remember that his supporters were not born like that...they were abused into those qualities, as was trump. 🤢🤮 I can't believe I just admitted that! Trump is beyond any redemption, but I hope not all his abused supporters are. 🤞

Mike said...

When Dwayne gets back from Africa he's going to come and smack you upside the head!

Valerie said...

MAGA hats was spot on! Also, temp control in the fall. Just did the heat/window/air tango. Have a great day, YDG!

SickoRicko said...

Good stuff granny! Blogger is currently not allowing me to post images.

The Blog Fodder said...

Alexa is a Trumpanzee? terrible. Love the last one. Don't threaten me with a good time

Anonymous said...

...If they don't believe in Government, they shouldn't run for it! I've been thinking this since Regan, the douchebag architect of "the government IS the problem".

Operation Just Let them Speak... and still no Speaker... what an embarrassment.


yellowdoggranny said...

Debra, Oliva and I got to see the eclipse but Abby and Dylan were in the middle of Abby's volleyball game and think it was finals..Olivia was really freaked out..she really did enjoy it.I had a few extra glasses and shared them with a couple of neighbors and we had a great time..
jerri..I'm so fond of versed. I want it in pill form so I can just be loopy all the time..hah I'm looking for Dwayne down in Africa too.c
Cleora my daddy and all the uncles were republicans ..Daddy quit after Nixon. He would have just cried over what trump has done to our country. My uncles? they probably would have been right there..but the best news is they're kids are all democrats..haha
Mike? tell ole Dwayne to bring it.I have one ass kicking left..I can use it
Allen, I thought you would love the one about the wrinkle cream..hahh
Valerie..today was an example..windows down then windows up and now windows down again.arghargh..
Rick...they are making me crazy..I'm hoping it will go back to normal.
LIly .I just heard that Joran won't run again right now?...weird..

Anonymous said...

That is because you post porn.

Anonymous said...

Treasonous criminal Trump should send his pathetic sons to fight for his boyfriend Vladimir Putin. Send Eric a.k.a. tweedle dumb and Donald Junior a.k.a. tweedle dumber. Barron Trump is probably a lowlife too. Trump depravity is genetic.

Anonymous said...

I think the Republican base has created a new political philosophy called anarchistic Fascism.