You know what? this is the 9th time I have tried to post about my life for this year..and I can't do it...Too much happened..it was the last year before I started really doing drugs and I can look back and see where I made my etiquette mistake..when I took the wrong fork in the road...but having to relive it here for you...well, fuckit..can't do it..too painful..so there!
The world wasn't having a very good year either..The North Korean's took 83 sailors prisoners and held them as spies aboard the Pueblo.They have always been nasty little fuckers..
The My Lai massacre happened, the Tet offensive occured and was a turning point in the war..Think ALL people were finally beginning to see that
this war was bad and we needed to bring our kids home.
Martin Luther King Jr., was slain in Memphis by
James Earl Ray. It was such a horrible time.(In Portland, a group of black kids and young men were going down Powell Blvd. making their presence known...The Palm Gardens was on Powell and I spent the entire day waiting for them to come bursting in the door...They didn't get that far, and I have to let you know, I was really scared.Al P. my boss hired protection for me...that was a big deal...)James Earl
Ray was captured in London and indicted for murder. He plead guilty and was sentenced to 99 years.
As if that wasn't enough, Robert F. Kennedy was shot and critically wounded in Los Angles after winning the Calif. primary. He died the next day. Sirhan Sirhan was caught immediately after the shooting and was convicted for the crime in 1969. He is still in prison. James Eear Ray
died a few years back after recanting his plea and insisting he was innocent of the shooting of Martin Luth-
er King Jr.
The Russians invaded Czechoslovakia and Warsaw Pact forces crush liberal regime..Not a good year..
I know that th
e music didn't make it better, but it helped..We had Aretha singing about the 'Chain of Fools'...'Build Me Up Buttercup' by the Foundation was a big hit, and Sly and The Family Stone made us'Dance to the Music'.After Dione Warwick's hit we all knew the way to Jan Jose. Hugh Masekela had a great instrumental out called'Grazzin In The Grass', damn, I love that song..Jeannie C. Riley had a cross over hit with 'Harper Valley P.T.A.' and ohhhhhh, the Doors.....'Hello, I love You'....oh Jimmy boy, I love you too...Beatles had a bunch of hits 'Hey Jude, and Revolution'...and a song that my boss Al P. won money on...'Honey'.by Bobby Goldsboro..I came to work one day and 'boss' as I called him asked me to tell me what I thought of this new song that had just came out..and punched the juke box and 'honey' came on...Well, I listened to it and started crying like a baby....and boss walked over to one of our regulars 'Dirty Larry' and said:"pay up." and Dirty Larry handed him $20. I'm still crying and sobbing:'what was that for?'..and boss said:"I bet him $20 that you would cry when you heard this song, and he said..nah, you were too much of a hard ass...and I knew better."....fuckers...
Diana Ross and the Supremes and The Temptations had a dual hit with "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"...and Kenny Rogers and the First Edition had a mega hit with "Just Dropped in to see what condition, my condition was in"...Yes, THAT Kenny Rogers...
Simon and Garfunkle wanted to know where Joe Dimagio went with "mrs. R
obinson"...oh, and another Beatle hit.."Lady Madonna." 'Love Child', by the Diana Ross and The Supremes. 'Mony Mony', by Tommy James and the Shondells.One of my favorite bands with one of my favori
te songs'Susie Q' by Credence Clearwater Revival.One of the greatest singers ever died not long after this song became a big hit,Otis
Redding's 'Sitting on the Dock of
the Bay'.and a silly song called 'Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da' by the Marmalade was a big hit.Ohhhh and Cream....with"Sunshine of your Love"...'Young Girl' by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. and last but not least..'Tighten Up' by Archie Bell and the Drells..1968 sucked, blew and bit...
Glad it's over...
No one needs to know everything about you. Good job.
I agree with Babs. Life is a journey where we must make mistakes and learn about life, otherwise it would be boring! Can't have that! Love these stories bout the 60's and OMG that pic of Jim M. is friggin awesome :D
On the upside,it's the year I lost my virginity!..You may have read about that at the time.
I was ten and living in a French commune with no electricity or running water....much of this passed me by, at the time.
1968 was the year of the huge French student riots, though. I remember those.
I was in Memphis when MLK was killed and in the hospital there giving birth when RFK was killed in LA.
1968 was mostly awful but at least I have my older son.
I was three and twenty odd years later was getting into the Supremes and various others listed here. Good music is timeless isn’t it.
Sure you can have it...mind you it be about $7 by the time you got it...exchange rate and all.
Nothing reads as well as the "Life and Loves Of Jackie Sue"!
heh...I’ve already got him “done” for my next avatar.
Uhm JS can you go comment on Junebuggs [if you haven't already] last post so then I can. For some reason I can’t comment in the Haloscan part until somebody else has. Fucked if I know why or what I’m doing wrong but never been able to until somebody else has.
alrightee then...shoulda saved me wheezy breath ;)
I must tell you that I stand up and admire you for being so open about your life. I did an entire blog on mine one time, but the url reached the hands of someone who should not have been reading it and I had to shut it down. It is always very hard when we share our most private thoughts and emotions to strangers. Just keep in mind that is also the Goddess way of allowing us to heal. Shadow work is always hard. It is meant to bring out the darkness and let in the light. I can see where you are doing some deep thinking these days. Don't be afraid of letting go of the shadows. Your doing a great job!. Blessings to you.
At least the music was pretty good.
Every one of those songs has a memory to it. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
i enjoyed rreading your last several posts. Seems like a lot of people I know do not like to talk about the past so we never learn anything.
yay, you made it through! It's all in the past and can't be undone now....
We don't have to share EVERYTHING in our lives. This is your blog..you share what you want to. :) We all have secrets, and that's exactly what they are. Secrets.
Another great post!
I have been keeping the download music industry quite rich lately. I keep seeing songs I had forgotten about but loved and I immediately have to go download. Ha.
Jackiesue making mistakes? Well how can you learn and grow if you don't screw up now and then? I know I've made some doozies. Is that a word?
The only thing I can think of that was good about that year is that my Stepdad made it home from Vietnam, and I graduated from 6th grade.
Tell us what you want, It's all a great read.
Loved the health care Email. It caught me.
Had to come and check out 68( the year I was born) Shhhhhh
I love the track Sitting on the Dock of the Bay'. :)
Another great post YD
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