I have a job, my own place for me and the boys... And I have dogs....man do I have dogs..somehow I have acquired a yard full of strays..there must be a marking of some sort on my fence that says 'eat and live here for free'....I have Santana, 3-dog, Zeppelin,Jefferson, and a psycho dog that has endeared himself to no one but the other dogs, named 'You crazy motherfucker'which we have shortened to 'crazy'....although Thom calls him motherfucker when he thinks no one is listening.. I have made a new friend...Brian B..he is my new best friend..(and remains so till this day)he is married to Lila who thank God knows there is nothing going on between me and her husband except for a tendency to drink too much and play pool..I'm not sure that she knew about our occasional little drug use..even when he was off doing his own thing he would manage to find my couch or bed...I would wake up and there would be me, the dogs, Dave, Thom and ...yup..Brian...phone would ring and it would be Lila.."Is Brian there..?"..."Yup, just woke up and did head count and have one extra for breakfast, you want me to send him home?"..."Nah, tell the sonofabitch he's late for work" ..It never occurred for her to think there was anything going on...Nor did we ever consider it...we was 'buds'.......Daddy and the wicked step-mother are having problems and as much as I disliked her, I didn't want Daddy to be unhappy..and knew that much of their problem was 'Daddy's Little Darling'.me..
But things continue on and then toward the end of the year...
I meet Jack D..well, fuckity fuck fuck fuck..If I knew then what I know now..I would have ran screaming down the street and as far away from him as I could get...To bad he didn't have a sign hanging from his neck saying "Bad news, run for your lif

It wasn't looking to good for Tricky Dick either..
The Supreme Court rules unanimously that busing of students may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation.
Anti-war militants attempt to disrupt government business's in Washington. Police and military

The twenty-sixth ammendment to U.S. Constitution lowers the voting age to 18..about fucking time..I turned 21 8 days after the the Johnson/Goldberg election and couldn't vote..man was I pissed... The UN seats communist China and expels Nationalist China.
Congress bars use of combat troops, but not air power, in Laos and Cambodia. South Vietnamese troops, with U.S. air cover, fail in the thrust into Laos. In May American ground forces withdraw from V

The New York Times publish Pentagon Papers, classified material about expansion of the war....
1971 didn't have as great of music as 1970 had, or at least that is my personal take on it..But,

'Watching the River Flow'by Bob Dylan, 'Won't Get Fooled Again'by the Who and oh man oh man oh man...Janis Joplin belted, wailed and brought all fo us to our knees with 'Cry Baby'and 'Me and Bobby McGee.'...will never be another Janis..my favorite female singer..then now and ever..
'Imagine' b

Isaac Hayes had the theme song to the movie 'Shaft' and it was big...'Peace Train' by Cat Stevens..you rem

'Maggie Mae' by Rod Stewart,'I'm 18' by Alice Cooper, 'Get it On' by T-Rex,'Knock 3 Times' by Tony Orlando and Dawn and 'Gypsy's Tramps and Thieves' by Cher.Paul and Linda McCartney had 'Uncle Albert(love that song)and Admiral Halsey. George Harrison had 'What is

You've heard the expression..'the lull before the storm?'...well, that is 1971 for me...the storm is brewing on the horizon and like the schmuck that I am...I never see it coming...'Stairway to Heaven'was a great song by Led Zeppelin but I think Ringo Starr had the song for me that year...'It Don't Come Easy.'..............no shit Ringo...
somemore history for that year?....born in this year:
Kid Rock, Mary J. Bliege, Erykah Badu, Tupac Shakur, Missy Elliott, Snoop Dogg and Ricky Martin..But the deaths are the ones that make you really stop and think and remember....Jim Morrison,Louis Armstrong, Duane Allman and my first rock and roll crush....Gene Vincent....I would have worn your ring and been your's by Heck....
I'll be back. Saying hi before blogger goes down for maintenance.
Janis!! Might have to listen to some Janis tonight.
Man... if some people only came with signs around their necks.
Okay. I see how you are...come barrelling in with big boobies bouncing, screeching about Sooner being back and all I get is a bloody error when clicking on his blog.
heh I still don’t really know who Joan Baez is/was...I know that song.
I grinned big at the mention of T-Rex...ahh another cassette that was thrashed when I discovered them via my big brother. I loved the Bee Gees or was that the spoof band the Heebie Geebies I loved...hmmm.
Some of these I go Ohhh did they sing it first.
I love ya my goddess. I have missed you so much, yore bastard son has flared nostrils and a hardon for some bloggin', it's about fucking time to let the gates open and rimjob the net.
YD What a great post! I love the way it's written. 71 was a busy busy year for you.
71 was a strange year for me. High school and drinking and smoking and counting the ODs and car crash deaths of people I knew on Cape Cod and trying to understand what was happening in the world and listening to some great music.
Who Knows what evil lurksin the hearts of men. We can't all be The Shadow. :)
Ahem...the births.
*groveling at your feet* Fanks so much for doing my birth year. I want to know about the hazy horizon that's hiding the future for you.
I seriously grinned when I saw the births you chose from that year...and became saddened when I saw the daths. Louis Armstrong belted out the song I danced to with my Daddy at my wedding. Good times.
And the reference to Vietnam brought back more of my Dad. He fought over there...but we never knew until he died. He hid it from us. My Dad was never a secret-keeper so I can only imagine the atrocities he kept from us.
Love you, YG!
ahaa *tickle...tickle*
thumb up yer bum!
I was a little girl in 1971, but I loved the music already. My favorite aunt was crazy about Janis.
Hindsight is 20/20, YG. You know that.
Great post again.
ahhh the deaths... it is too bad i never got to see the doors in concert, but i wasn't even born for 9 more years...
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