I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

.......ASK THE GODDESS.......

Welcome children...blessings on you and your's.....

Before we start asking questions I would like to mention the passing of a friend...he didn't die a warrior's death, but he will be in Valhalla with the Goddess....Larry "Bud" Melman...who was a semi-regular on the David Letterman Show...He died Monday at a hospital on Long Island, after a long illness. He would stop and offer his greetings also, but he is on a rock and roll tour with Loki.....

Ask away, small funny humans..ask away..


Unknown said...

It's Sue's hubby, the "Double-Decker Bus Guy"... and I just want to know what our chances of success in our attempts to get the bus will be?

Anonymous said...

Well since I am on a diet right now and hungry for what I can not have....Why are we blessed with such yummy food and cursed fat or ill if we eat it?

Tina said...


when in the hell did i become a clutz and can you make it go away? i have broken several things this week including my boss' picture of his son, 2 glasses, and sprained my foot...oy

Jan said...

How many people will be killed in the first 6 months in Texas under the new "shoot 'em if they're lookin at you ugly" legislation?

Mouthy Girl said...

How the hell am I going to make it another two damn weeks until spring break without throttling someone?

Mouthy Girl said...

BTW, the MaryJo pics are AWESOME! I'm so jealous! I think I could deal with a couple of weeks abroad.

soonerfan78 said...

Why does the phone allways ring when you are taking a big old dump in your toilet?

Will George Bush's exit strategy be going directly through Iran, and Does Cheney eat live babies while drunk on Tequila?

Is it true that if I sneeze, fart, cough and burp simultaneously I will burst into flame and explode?

Why does the tooth fairy take teeth now, he used to leave me money. Why?

apositivepessimist said...

If there is such a thing as reincarnation what will I come back as?

BBC said...

You are a hoot... Hugs.

As for Larry "Bud" Melman, I don't watch TV so I don't have a clue who you are talking about.

apositivepessimist ..... Reincarnation is way over rated, dreamed up by the monkeys posing as humans on this rock.

Think omnipresent, always here having to deal with this shit and all these stupid monkey clans fighting each other.

Does that make you God? Yup. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Hello goddess...I have been away from the blog for a tad bit I do apologize.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend passing.
My question would be this. Why do bad things happen to good people and why can't karma be instantaneous?

Scottish Toodler said...

what is going to happen to me next? Should I move somwhere here or go back to LA? What is Sooner doing? He doesn't post enough anymore. (I guess alot of us don't) Will Karl Rove be overthrown anytime soon?

Nit Wit said...

From past results we know how every policy and idea the Gump adminstration has enacted has totally screwed working Americans. My question is can we aford to allow them to continue for another 22 months?

the rube said...

will they ever invent alcohol that's good for your health and doesn't make your head hurt the next morning?

RevJim said...

Oh Wise Goddess,
Is reality relative or is it absolute? Can it be both at the same time?
Your humble servant

Allan said...

Which is correct?
-Good things come to he who waits
-He who hesitates is lost

Can you have it both ways?

Sling said...

Larry Bud??...Oh no..If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have "Toast-on-a-stick"
I'll miss him.

carina said...

Why does smoking meat make it last longer, but smoking your lungs is supposed to be "bad for your health"?

Did Bud Melman go to heaven or to the fun place?

BBC said...

Hum, alcohol doesn't make my head hurt. Maybe because I've learned just the right amount to drink?

In 63 years I must have learned something for christs sake.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Death Cheese are envious as hell of Larry because THEY want to go on tour with Loki. They are too scared to ask the Goddess anything because they know she'd open a (well-deserved) can of Whoop Ass on them.

Cyberoutlaw said...

Better late than never! Been wrestling with Vista all week, turning off their moronic defaults and flashing lights to Redmond. The question is, do you believe there is a special place in Hell for Microsoft?

Josh said...

Too bad about Bud Melman, he was a strangely cool little man.

My question: When making any decision, what is the most important thing to consider?