Not much going on in West this past week..The paper is full of recaps of the past year..We had snow twice and both in Feb. Nice reminder of the West Lady Trojans making it to District Playoffs, where we had the championship stole from us..sigh* the West Plublic Library's Tale Tellers received statewide recognition on April 15 as they were honored as the Wayne Williams Library Project of the Year Award winner at the Texas Library Association's 97th Annual Conference in San Antonio. The Texas Library Association defines this award as one that best Exemplifies the highest level of achievement, professional standards and inspiration to other libraries. I can't tell you how proud of them I am. They ARE the future of our little town. Kiwanis is sponsoring a blood drive Jan. 13 and the Boy Scouts are still collecting aluminum cans. We lost a really nice guy the other day. Riding a motorcycle with no helmet. One vehicle accident. Robert (Bobby) Allen Busby, Jr. was only 59. Was a Vietnam vet and a really nice guy. To sad. Matt Murphy (the son of a good friend) just turned 18. Happy birthday Matt. One of the coaches just turned 40. and Rudolph and Nolene Pavelka are celebrating their 50th anniversary. New babies new babies. Kolby Del Girard was born on Dec 20 and weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 inches long. 7 West Trojans were named to the All District 7-AAA football teams. West Knights of Columbus Hall is having a Czechaholics New Years Eve Dance. Advance tickets are $8 and $10 at the door. Tokio Store is having a New Years Party and Lonnie Paul and Country Rain are playing. They have free spots for self-contained RV's. I am supposed to go there and be designated driver. But I'm thinking about just not leaving the house at all . West Bar and Grill is having a New Year's Eve party with a Prime Rib dinner. West Fraternal Auditorium is having a NYE's Dance too featuring Whiskey Hill. $7 per person. Black eyed peas and cornbread. Ross Country Store is having a party too with black eyed peas and cornbread. I already have my bag of black eyed peas..I have to take one and put them in the 4 corners of the apt. for good luck. Cabbage was on sale at Food Mart and got 2 big heads..I love cabbage...just boil it up and salt and it. There are some really good buys in houses and I'm wishing I had money to do some investing so I could fix them up and flip them. One is a perfect starter home of 4-5 BR older brick home with game room, formal dining room, large closets, partial updating started. Approx 1 acre fenced yard. reduced to $39,900. For Sale: nice antique bar and matching stools. 3" solid mahogany curved top. Imported from the Philippines..$600 or best offer. Nice... Lots of jobs for LVN/RN's and a teachers assistant for Saint Mary's, and part time at Gerik's Bakery. I'd like that job..but would eat my wages..Dalton Meurer (Ms Henrietta's grandson) placed third in the American Steer class which qualified him to be in the sale of Champions at the State Fair of Texas. Thanks to some wonderful friends I managed to get enough money to buy a new TV to replace the one that Nitty Fucking Flowers destroyed. Also managed to pay off Dexter's vet bill and get his shots. He also got weighed and is 16.5 pounds..He's not feeling to well, been laying on the couch sleeping since he got home. Need to take him some food and water as he's not getting down to get any for himself. Have a birthday Pecan Pie in the oven. A German Chocolate Cake to make by tomorrow and Babs asked me to fix the meat up for her pork green chili stew. Going to grate her some potatoes so she can have my world famous hash browns..Don't know how I do it..but I do make the best fecking hash browns ever.. Oh my new's a 31.65 inch Sanyo and got it at House of Satan for $318. I hugged it. well...not much going on in West and not much going on with me..Took a nap and I'm still not awake..hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years.
The title of the post is one of my favorite H.Allan Smith quotes. There are many. I recommend highly that everyone of you go to Amazon or EBay and buy at least one H. Allan Smith book. Preferably 2..better yet..3..they're cheap and they'll make you laugh.