I can out wait him but I can't get him to look at the camera if he doesn't want to..bastid.
More Texas clouds..Babs thinks you are all sick to fucking death of me and my cloud pictures and just to nice to say anything..I like to think your all suckers for big ole fat fluffy clouds too.
But then I also believe in rain in the summer in Texas.
Tina sticking her tongue out at me and my Roxy's...ha.Tina's catch, which she caught, tortured for a few hours and then kilt.
Pictures of the book case that is now part book case and part TV stand.I like it better, but damn...now I have books with no place to go. And one of the shelves was put in back wards and it's the one on top and the hardest to get in so I said fuckit..which I'm apt to do and often.
Cats are so wonderful. Felice does that aloof thing and then she'll be where I am wrapped around my knees. Good pictures.
U Neva!
Da clouds....eh maybe.;0)
Read this today.... a pet is a medication without side effects.
Yepper, ain't dat da truff!
Dexter is one bad ass cat!!!!
I never get tired of the cloud pictures! :)
Getting full on pictures of Dexter's eyes could be dangerous. Looking at clouds help to make you feel cooler.
I don't buy that a pet is a medication without side effects. I can flatly state that pet ownership does have side effects. Some of them pretty bad.
I like the cloud pics.
That third cloud picture really got my imagination going. I can see a guy with a skinny neck and curly hair looking to the left at a dog who's head is looking back.
tex..i looked at it for a few seconds and said 'fuck, tex is right.'...hha
Lafayette (my cat)usually squints his eyes when I take pictures of them, and when he doesn't his eyes look funny because of the flash.
Those shots of Dex sitting/laying on the books are pretty good - even if he isn't lookin' at you.
That last cloud picture looks like a rooster to me...
What was Tina's catch? and was it eaten?
I've been sleeping a lot lately too - Maybe something in the air... or the thought of turning a shelf over so that its right side up...
Keep those photos coming, YDG!
Clouds and cats are cool. So is alliteration.
I'm in a weird mood.
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