PRESIDENTS GETTING SWORN IN MONDAY you see a trend here?...I'm getting forgetful...what was I talking about?...Abby and I watched the Obama show..we were very happy...she yelled encouragement to him thru out the speech..have a great week..loves ya a bunch.
Happy freakin' Monday!
Super Bowl thoughts?
Glad you and Abby enjoyed the Obama Show, LOL! Great gags this morning too. You are one bizzy chik!
"I am sorry my awesome sense of humour offends you. Oh and by sorry what I really mean is fuck you."
If I happen to offend someone, which is of course a very rare event(1), I usually make amends with the following apology, "I am sorry for your experience with my intentions."
(1) This is a lie.
I think Baltimore and San Francisco is going to be a great Superbowl..both fought hard to get there..right now I'm thinking San Francisco...
Sarah McLachlin has ruined more days pimping for the hypocritical ASPCA than any other human.
But today I only have warm thoughts for Jack and Jackie's youngest son can't wait for the game to begin.
Texas ism 2013.
Wants to secede from the United States...
Teach Creationism not science...
Fundamentalist Christians re-write the school text books...
The home of George W Bush...
A moron for Governor...
Number one for prison executions...
But there is still some sanity there: thank Goddess for Yellow Dog Granny.
the Ol'Buzzard
I know there has to be more like me out there..but I just don't know where they reside.I think it's going to be a close minute I think its SF.the next it's Baltimore..sigh
Caribbean Barbecue: Jerk chicken, ribs, plantain, rice and beans, potato salad. Cayman style fish. All you can eat. On the deck next to the sea.
I want Baltimore
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