I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, January 10, 2020

the Little Prince is 10 months old

 he loves fruit..hates to be fed..likes to feed him self and also to feed us..crawling all over the place..I expect him to be walking any day..where did the time go?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

And what a beautiful head of dark hair he has, too!

Jan said...

What little charmer. Where is his Cowboy t-shirt?

pam nash said...

What a little cutie. And yes, they grow so quickly.

Willym said...

That is one handsome happy wee lad. And how he's grown. Love it when you share pictures of the Great-Grand Kids. And I am assuming the Little Prince is not spoiled in any way LOL!

yellowdoggranny said...

he is 1/4 hispanic..so he comes by the dark completion and dark hair naturally..but he is a handsome little dude.
Jan..he has dozens of cowboy shirts and onesies but he grows so fast he hardly gets to wear them before it's too small.
Pam..I swear he was just born yesterday..scary..
Willym he is so spoiled and yes..it's all my fault..and don't regret a moment of it..

Valerie said...

Adorable! Looks like a happy little boy

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie he really is a happy boy...if I leave the room and he can't see me he will yell at the top of his lungs..AAAAAh G...AaaaaG...

The Blog Fodder said...

What a sweetie.

yellowdoggranny said...

talking to him on the phone is a trip..yelling aaaah g...aaaaah g...