I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, October 16, 2020




Valerie said...

Have a great weekend Jackie Sue! You've more than earned it!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Sometimes a fart is the best answer. Another great set.
My wife and I never miss your post.
the Ol'Buzzard

jono said...

I have to remember correctile dysfunction. The financial advice is awesome, too, especially at this point in my life. :)

Anonymous said...

I collect funny images/pictures...
you're killing me.

Keep it up, it's a pleasurable way to die .
Also a fun way to fill-and-kill my hard-drive.

Random Troll

Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Correctile dysfunction," LOL! Proud Boys and Leathermen, LOLOL! And that recipe for "Traitor Tots!"

wibble said...

...WHAT vacation?!?

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie, hoping to get all 3 of the gg's this weekend..that should kick my ass.
Olbuzzard, send my love to your lovely spouse..I'm a firm believer of as many farts as possible, considering I have what I refer to as 'walking farts.'
jono, isn't that a great expression?..love it.
Random troll..you're welcome to steal..I stole them off of facebook which is a goldmine for memes..and welcome to ydg..if you have a blog or website let me know..I'll come visit.
Debra, I'm loving the pride boys memes..
wibble..i'm with you..what vacation.

Mr. Shife said...

I like the post from Bette Midler. I can't believe people are still undecided. I also finished season 3 of Yellowstone. It was as good as you said it was. Now we have to wait until June for season 4.

yellowdoggranny said...

mr shife...Bette is a smart cookie..and verrrry funny...
I knew you would enjoy yellowstone..last episode of season 3 knocked me out of my recliner..what a finale..