I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Thursday, December 17, 2020




Valerie said...

My hair is batshit crazy. Have a great Thursday, Jackie Sue!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ha ha, I stole the Baby Cheeses! Christ the Redeemer made me giggle, too.

Ooooo, that "essential/sacrificial" worker -- major burn, but true!

Leanna said...

Yeah, lately everyone looks like a pinata to me too. I must steal some of these. They're so good.

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie, my hair is always batshit crazy..ALWAYS.
o'buzzard, when they are throwing dirt on his coffin I'll secure.
Debra..baby cheeeses...loooove..
Leanna, steal away..I stole them first.