I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, April 10, 2023

get ready to be bitch slapped....it's Monday



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that poor slice of cheddar, LOL!

Jerri said...

Let’s just say “the rich world has developed a shockingly high tolerance for cruelty “ and leave it at that. Shameful.
Ann Coulter as the voice of reason…it’s the end of the world.
Clarence…yeah, if only we had an inkling he was a slime ball.
I ride with Lakota Man…but Marge is way more than a “kook”.
Ten bucks says she ate that slice of cheddar once it was discovered 😉
Thanks for the thoughts,YDG. Stay out of the antihistamines - you don’t want to miss Spring!

Bruce.desertrat said...

OMG "Me drinking Bud Light to piss off conservatives" LOL

Bud light used to advertise their purity on the case pakaging by advertising that their 'beer-like substance' had only four ingredients:

Water, Hops, Barley, and Rice

Whcih ALWAYS kicked off a Sesame Street earworm:

"One of these things is not like the other ones...
One of these things just doesn't belong..."

SickoRicko said...

You really know how to pick 'em!

Tundra Bunny said...

Another beautiful bouquet of memes to kick off spring, Jackiesue.... Dinner and floor show at Mar-a-Lago gave me my first good belly laugh of the week!

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra... that's scary shit, especially when you read Jerri's comment.
Jerri, I'm beginning to think it might be an everlasting residual from the versed. Cause all I do is sleep eat find memes and go back to sleep.
Bruce.........what? rice.?
why thank you, Ricky.
Bunny...yeah, but it's too close to the truth.

Jerri said...

I think you’re correct bout the residual versed…which then amplifies the antihistamine. Think about how “pure” your system is at this point in your life: no alcohol no fun drugs, I’m afraid you’ve become what we called a “cheap date” 😉 For now. It will pass with time. Look at it as an enforced staycation and enjoy the rest.

River said...

Scary to think the kids in jail could actually happen.

yellowdoggranny said...

Jerri...and? my dr said I was suffering from depression from the shitshow at the senior center..hadn't even considered that.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. You had to put all that on “hold” while you dealt with your heart procedure but all the time it’s simmering. Meanness, laziness and betrayal are tough to deal with on a good day. In your situation you had no recourse and that ain’t you, babe. Time and distance will help your perspective. You’ll figure out how you want to proceed and now that we know your heart is as healthy as a maybe a “seasoned” ox - it’s your call. I may have read it here…”Don’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm”. What does Jackiesue want to do…? As you come through this you will be amazed at your newfound strength. Promise.

Anonymous said...

YDG, that was me, Jerri, the least electronically knowledgeable person in Ohio 🤦‍♀️

Valerie said...

Amazing line-up once again! Hope you are having a good week!