I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

this will be a short one..I'm so tired I'm left handed



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have the doctors figured out the reason for your fatigue yet? I hope they're on it! My faves today are the Kid Rock one and the shopping carts one!

SickoRicko said...

Another good line-up! But, is it Friday already?

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra I took a bunch of blood work today..so hope it will help answer some questions on a lot of things.
fuck Rick......I lost time...I thought today was Friday...looks like you guys got a bonus day.hahah

River said...

The shopping carts around that car! :) :)

Jerri said...

🤣😂 Welcome to my world, YDG! Sorry you’re tired …but we got a “two-fer”!
I’m afraid not enough people will be ashamed of their behavior….because they have NO shame.
“Kid” Rock (hardly) removing his “music” catalog.
“We the people” are actually very pissed off about many things. There will be a reckoning.
The exchange between the cat and dog describes it purrrfectly.
But the candle…omg, yes 😂
Now I’m going to step on over to Friday…it’s a short walk 😉

yellowdoggranny said...

took a lot of time to barricade that car in River.
I swear I don't know where my head was at Jerri...I think its from lack of sleep..yeah, I need one of those candles..