I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, May 26, 2023

fuck, fuck, fuck and more fucking.

I would do more but I can't sit up and do anything on blog right now..Back is fucking killing me..
love the fuck out of you all but can't sit up...



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope your back feels better soon! Wanda Sykes is a treasure.

Jerri said...

Well, that’s a pisser. Too much gardening? My yard is looking great but my heating pad and I are best buds right now. Lots of R&R for you.
Only two - but they’re good ones! The wisdom of Wanda prevails once again.
Take a long weekend rest, Jackiesue. Hope you feel better.

pam nash said...

Much sympathy and positive thoughts coming your way. Hate it when the back is out - can stand or lay flat - nada else.

SickoRicko said...

Your back is more important! Take care.

Anonymous said...


Tundra Bunny said...

Wanda Sykes recently hosted the Daily Show for a week after Trevor Noah's departure and she was great!

Hope you get some muscle relaxants/pain relief and lots of rest so you can be your great self again, YDG!

yellowdoggranny said...

Rad, I'm an alcoholic I don't think that's a good idea.
me too Debra...I do feel a lot better...and I love Wanda Sykes
Jerri...I have severe arthritis in my spine...4 back operations didn't help. and it just doesn't get any better...can't do too much about it as I'm allergic to all narcotics so I sorta nurse tramadol..hahah
Pam ..yeah it sucks bites and blows.
Ricky...and then to top it off my new cardiologist changed my blood pressure meds and my blood pressure bottomed out and fucking thought I was going to croak. lucky for me my granddaughter is a nurse and she helped me get thru it without having to go to ER..fuckaduck.
bless you Carine...
Bunny I feel better some but standing and sitting is not my friend..ha.

Mike said...

The Wanda meme is spot on.

River said...

Been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders too long? Take a break.

yellowdoggranny said...

we have to face it guys.ole yellerdogg is getting old.

Daal said...

wishing you a speedy recovery - tx for excellent post despite your pain