I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

fuck it....................I'm retired.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The ice cubes, LOL! And Hillary Clinton! That's a classic right there.

SickoRicko said...

You speak the truth woman!

Jerri said...

Religion…Science. There it is. The problem we have in this country - even as most contort and ignore their religious laws. Which brings us to…Logical Fallacy.
Say my name in front of a mirror…yep 😉
Hillary has earned every bit of “I told you so”. She had to share a stage with that disgusting ballsack. You RULE, Hillary!
I think it’s hysterical that Nancy Pelosi saying donnie “looked like a scared puppy” - with apologies to puppies everywhere - triggered him like it did! What a pathetic loser.
Greta Gerwig NAILED it. Every mom should take their sons. If this movie threatens you - get some counseling. Finally the validation and conversation that needs to happen. How interesting that it’s Barbie-fueled.
Once again, I am the last one. Shhhh, don’t let on.
Great lineup, Jackiesue. So are you in trouble with the “words” police…or the “thoughts” police? I’m certain you aren’t going n allcap rants like the orange maniac. Sounds like BS to me. We appreciate you 😎

Ole phat Stu said...

When Trump was elected president, little did he know. . .

Mike said...

"Fluorescent tangerine jackass."
I like it!

Tundra Bunny said...

If I were you, I'd stop buying lemons from Area 51.... So many good memes today, YDG, but my faves were Hilary and the definition of "IRONY", AHAHAHAHA!

yellowdoggranny said...

wonder how many of them stupid people that voted for Bernie wish they had listened to Hillary......debra.
well duh Rick...
Jerri..you know? I bet Hillary is more apt to cry then cheer when she sees what Trump has done and where it has ended up...
Ole Fat....bet he wished he'd just done another year of the apprentice.
Me too Mike, me too.
Bunny....yeah, Irony...

Richard said...

You okay YDG? I have been worried about you because it is has been so hot . My caregiver Mike Garcia is very stressed out because they are pregnant and if the baby doesn't drop by August 20 it will be expensive.

We just did our usual things. We like to check on the river.

It is hard to explain how stressful this is.

Valerie said...

To my Confederate flag loving friends who keep chanting "history" as if they knew what it is: "Why don't you fly the Union Jack, or the flag of Spain or France? They flew longer over the same states and territories and for a MUCH longer period of time. And those countries still exist."