I was going to make Gumbo again but I remembered standing over the stove stirring and stirring butter and flour to make a chocolate brown roux..took me over an hour..fuck that!..So I'm making Jambalaya instead. It's almost the same except for the roux and Gumbo goes on top of rice and Jambalaya has the rice in it..and no okra. I'm looking forward to it as we really had a great time last year and hoping for another great time this year. March we're going to have a luau..or that's the plan so far.
Hopefully I'll have the sleep apnea fixed up ..(oh please let it be fixed up)and will have more energy...which is what everyone says.
Went to start truck to go to Library and it wouldn't start. It's been dragging every time I'd start it but nothing this afternoon. But I think it's because I let it set for 3-4 days and didn't start it. Hopefully that's all it is..this battery is less than 2 years old..Can't remember how long it's supposed to be good for. Hate to have to buy another one as the tags are due in March too. That's almost $200 and can't afford that all at once..feckity..welp,it's Tuesday night and getting this ready for Wed. morning and need to get my ass to bed. See ya later...
That Viagra one is too funny! Mmmm, your jambalaya sounds good! And I hope that bloody truck starts. A new battery should last at least 5 years.
Yeah, Debra is right. Is there someone who can give you a boost and then leave it run for awhile to charge it up again?
Good luck with the Jambalaya!
That "I am A Woman" pic?
If you are a female so dedicated to the comments that are written on that piece of paper, take it somewhere besides the streets of America. Take it to Saudi Arabia. Take it to China. Take it to Syria or North Korea.
Take it somewhere where women can't show their faces, where they can't even go out publicly without a male escort.
Take it somewhere that women are not even allowed a basic education, where they would never dare write or print those comments, much less show them publicly without getting arrested and beaten, or worse.
Take it where a woman is still literally stoned to death for having a bit of sex on the side, where she can be legally killed by her own family in what is routinely called an "honor" killing.
Take it someplace where a woman cannot work her own way thru college, get a decent job on her own merits, and end up running a giant corporation... Like Hewlett Packard, or become a governor like Sarah Palin, or a Secretary of State like Hillary Clinton, positions of leadership and responsibility that 99.999% of all males will never attain either.
So you may not become rich, or famous, or powerful. So what. Deal with it. And welcome to the club. Welcome to the real 99%.
Quit hammering on and blaming the American male, the vast majority of whom already support equality of all stripes, have fought and died for it.
At the very least, pick the right targets.
Take you anger and passion out on your enemies, not your friends.
That can be quite dangerious, even deadly, but at least we'll all know you were not just another weekend warrior, having fun and feeling good over taking to the streets, shouting and yelling and demanding freedoms you already have - in a place where such activites are hardly more dangerous than a Sunday walk in the park.
Try waving that in-your-face sign in the blood-stained streets of Syria. If you're not willing to do that, then tear it up and go home.
Re: your truck. Have the charging system checked. If it was cranking slower and slower each time, it may mean the battery isn't getting charged. Only problem is that a new or rebuilt alternator would cost more than a new battery.
Or you could have dirty connections at the battery terminals. If there's a lot of whitish powder on the battery terminals and cable ends. Disconnect them and clean with a battery terminal cleaning tool. Also if there's a lot of whitish powder, you can clean it with baking soda to neutralize the acid and rinse with water.
Love the farting dog. As an owner of 5 boxers over the last 14 years I can attest to the truth of this one.
Re: Hippy Jersey Devil - ain't it the truth. Only two boxers, but I agree.
I also agree with the roux statement. There are far better ways to spend an hour.
I don't often call people an asshat. But that comment about the woman with the sign....
Cerulean Bill - I didn't even see that comment up there until I got the notice of your comment. I decided to take a gander at Mr. Bob's blog......
All I can say in response to his rants is consider the source of the rant.
So much truth, so much to PML myself. . . all at once!
omg, bob needs to get a life!
Ah must have been fuckwits day out on the internet.
We know Bob he attacked one of our blogs at least once before.
Bob needs to get out more.
Or just get out.
Cerulean Bill, good call!
It would seem ol' Bobby has some female and other cretin issues (don't bother to check out his blog...the same old, same old right wing ASSHAT shit).
I was raised in the Mississippi Delta and damn I miss real Cajun food...that is the only thing of the south I miss.
Granny, on your truck: replace the battery wires and clean your terminals...Replace your spark plugs and most of all your spark plug wires. People don't realize that the spark plug wires break down and are a major cause of engine problems. Also the starter solenoid can be corroded and draining your battery. Over all, this can be expensive if you pay someone to do it. Buy the parts yourself and check with the high school shop teacher and see if he will have his class do the work.
the Ol'Buzzard
I second the comment about getting your local public tech school to look at your truck. Free labor, and the students learn things. As for Bob ... well, where I teach they would say FOH.
Home sick today ... great to catch up wid ya.
My ass is tired. One thing about Bob. He sure does make me feel smart. :P
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