I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.
Monday, February 06, 2012
SUPER MONDAY.. without the yellow flags
It's 4:30 p.m. Sunday and I have a pot of 'Killer Chili' on the stove..waiting for the Super Bowl to start..not sure if I'm going to stay home and watch it or go to Wolf's to watch it...or rent a movie..haha..my chili rocks..made bbq sauce for chicken and sausage and it rocks too...so today? I rock..Dexter is wore out from chasing the Cardinal off the truck's rear view mirror. I don't know which one is goofier, the bird or the cat. ok...gotta go stir the chili..wish you all were here..enjoy your Sunday and hope your team wins.
Lots o' great ones but my fave is the Ronald Reagon one. Why people adore and revere him is beyond me -- he started the US down its current road to ruin and taught the Republicans to elect half-wite "puppet presidents" to put a smiley face on corporate interests.
So many good ones. Liked the Reagan one a lot. Others made me squirm wishing the right wing would see the truth there - especially pro-life one. Flat stole the Democrat/Republican winning one.
'Your excuse is invalid' was such an uplifting photo! Wherever he is, I hope that little guy just keeps on changing the world around him! Thanks for posting, YDG.
Lots o' great ones but my fave is the Ronald Reagon one. Why people adore and revere him is beyond me -- he started the US down its current road to ruin and taught the Republicans to elect half-wite "puppet presidents" to put a smiley face on corporate interests.
When I look at Ronald Reagan, I always think of the Frankie Goes to Hollywood video "Two Tribes." Reagan reminds me of nuclear war. And chimpanzees.
Stole the "Don't worry what people think" one.
The longer St. Ronnie is dead, the bigger the myth grows!!! We're still suffering from the shit he did!!!!!
thanks for Monday wake up!! Love the pagans make the best friends.
I like the ones that don't have very many words best.
So many good ones. Liked the Reagan one a lot. Others made me squirm wishing the right wing would see the truth there - especially pro-life one. Flat stole the Democrat/Republican winning one.
'Your excuse is invalid' was such an uplifting photo! Wherever he is, I hope that little guy just keeps on changing the world around him! Thanks for posting, YDG.
Friggin autocorrect. I can't tell you how many times I dug myself into a hole with it.
i'm with zinn!
It was madness Spock! Just madness!
Ain't up for poly-ticks today.
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