the prayers worked..Elanor was moved out of ICU this evening and into a regular room. We're all just thrilled to pieces about it..Louis was even able to come join us for pizza this afternoon and had a NA Beer. So that's so great..Thanks everyone ..You done good.
I made all together 11 pizzas. After I made the 9 for all the residents I used the last of the dough and make 2 pizzas for the nurses on 3..Told them I wanted to be on the good side of them for when I am a resident up there. I made plain cheese, mushroom and sausage, pepperoni and cheese, pepperoni with black olives, and some with every thing on them..Now that I'm counting them in my head I think I made 13 pizzas..feck. We had sparkling wine, (NA) NA Beer, and some great juice..cranberry with sun spot soda..Everyone got at least 2 pieces and Joe had 6 I think ..haha..
Every time he's snag another slice he say' you see nusing, you hear nusing, you say nusing.'...made me laugh..But the best was right toward the end when everyone was just sitting there enjoying the after glow of the pizza and this deep loud voice said "THAT WAS GOOD."... Made everyone laugh.. especially me..Kathy took some pictures and as soon as she down loads them I'll have her send them to me and I'll post them. I was going to take some pictures too, but was too busy making pizzas. Marissa came and helped me too. Don't know what I'd do with out her and Jamie..
Oh kay..I'm whipped..going to go sit on the recliner with my heating pad and not jackshit..have a great weekend..

Glad your friend ia doing better! Now lets do some math!
The kids siphoning energy from their parents is so appropriate with all the motherhood posts going around ; )
I love that you go down to that nursing home Jax. It's aweseome! I also think it's fucking hilarious that you made the nurses pizzas because you will one day be there. Priceless.
Glad to hear your pizza party was a success and that Elenor is feeling better! Yay!
Like the Barbie & Ken, the Guess shirt, Julianne Moore, and Tina Fey ones.
So glad to hear about Elanor, that's really good news Jackie.
My favourite is the one about throwing the dictionary at someone's face. :)
Glad Elanor is on the mend. (((hugs)))Pat
I like the ones that don't have many words. Oh,and Putin. Always Putin.
Hey, is that pastry possum piggy Dexter's little friend, LOL?
And glad to hear your friend is out of the ICU and on the mend!
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