It is really fun to work at the library. except on sat. when we open at 9am..I went to bed last night at 5:30 am right after watching stigmata, so when the alarm went off this morning to the sounds of spirit in the sky I was a tad wobbly at the knees. and by the way, I have seen stigmata 3 times and it still doesn''t make a fucking bit of sense, but will watch it once more just to see gabriel berne(spelling). man, now he I would have sex with...hot damn
I went to post office yesterday to get some stamps and while I was there I asked the guy in charge(new guy and cant remember his name0 about if I would have to move my mail box from the house in front as that is what I heard. He said he haden't heard any more about it and that had been 2 weeks ago..I told him I was pretty pissed as where they were going to move my mail box was at the end of the alley by a house full of "illegal aliens" and I don't mean martians..there are truck loads of them all the time and would mean that any of them would have direct access to my mail box and the mail inside, which made me nervous..he agreed it could be a problem..I also told him that I would have been a little less pissed off if they had at least come to me and spoke to me about it before all this behind the back shit started.and if she wanted to start out being a new neightbor as a bitch, she had come to the right place as I had nothing much to do,so would have plenty of time to spend on making her life a fucking hell.He thought that was very funny. I asked about getting a p.o. box and he said it was $34 a year. I said "what if i just kick her ass and then get a po box?" he thought that was a good idea too.what I am looking forward to is when she figures out to get to the garbage she has to go thru my yard or put it in her car and drive it around to the alley...she might want to reconsider her little mail box moving request..thinking about making a welcoming cake and ice it with exlax..ah, I love it when people fuck with me...
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